‹ Prequel: Where's the Heart?

Love is a Two Way Street

One Step at a Time

"So we just talk for a few minutes and we're gone, right?" I asked him as I threw my clothes and junk back into my suitcase.

"Not...exactly. They can find a conversation in a grain of rice, I swear. Once they start, it's hard to stop their mouths! But I can assure you we'll be back by five in the morning," he muttered, laughing a little at my sighing.

"Oh joy," I mumbled.

"I know. It's not too bad...Unless my dad brings up our little issue..."

"He wouldn't dare!" I gasped. "At the family table?"

"I don't know. He likes to dig into my personal life...But I'm sure that Melinda will keep her husband in check. In the meantime, let's just get down there; worry about that shit later."

He dragged me--once again--through a maze of hallways and doors before we were standing in a huge dining hall. So not only was he perfect and gorgeous: he was a rich boy, too? Life's not fair. Either way, we took our seats at the table. Other people were already present.

I expected the table to be crowded with people, but there were only Ed's parents, Manny, Nathalie and their parents. Edwin naturally sat beside me. Manny sat between Nathalie and Ed--Thank God. If she had sat beside him, that truce we had made would have been over as soon as her eyeballs were clawed out of their sockets!

Gore aside, it was actually pleasant. I wasn't much in the conversation and that was a good thing. Melinda would smile at Edwin and I a few times as we fought each other secretly--meaning slapping each other under the table so no one could see. He did eventually seize my hand with a smirk on his face, thinking he won. I just pouted. But by then I realized that all eyes were on us. I waved sheepishly. Edwin laughed nonstop. It was all I could do to not rip his tongue out!

"Edwin, are we no longer using the yawn-and-arm-on-shoulder trick?" his mother asked, laughing. His dad just glared silently.

"I've evolved from that, dear mother. Now, I just do what I please. In fact, Jade wouldn't dare go against me--we're so tight and all."

"Tight my ass," I muttered.

"Yes, it is tight," he joked. I turned bright red.

"Like you'd know, Edwin," Clarence stated, not caring who heard him.

"Don't start with me," Edwin warned, hissing.

"What are you two bickering pointlessly about?" his mother demanded, impatient.

Edwin went to speak, but his father shouted out what I already knew: "They haven't done anything of the sort--Jade here won't let them!"

Melinda was quiet for a bit, but then she smiled, as if assuringly.

"Now, now. They're probably just waiting until they're married. I think it's sweet."

"Uhh..." Edwin coughed.

"You are getting married...right, hun?" Her voice was stern all of a sudden. I slunk in my seat.

"Well...I don't think that will work for us," he offered quietly, regretfully. It made me feel bad.

"Why not?" she persisted.

"Because I'm a worthless bitch who can't even love a man!" I screamed, pent up frustration getting out. "And you've all been pointing it out! First Clarence notices, then Nathalie. Edwin has known for a long time. Even Manny probably knows! She's a child and she can tell how terrible I am! A child for chrissake!" I stood from the chair, excusing myself before running out into the halls aimlessly. I had no idea where I was going, so I stopped and started crying in the middle of one hall.


I looked up and saw the one person I actually wanted to see. But I didn't want him to see me.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, standing up. "I shouldn't have raised my voice like that. It was entirely out of line."

"No. They just don't know how complicated this is, but they judge anyway. Look, let's just go back home, okay? I'll get Quinn and Nathan and we'll go." He pulled me up.

"Okay," I choked, feeling so ridiculous. What a nice impression. "Thank you." I kissed him quickly before holding him as if the world was falling down around us.

But even if it was, I felt entirely safe. Nothing could break past Edwin: he's just too amazing. And it could work.

All I needed was time. As far as I cared, the baby steps could be as small as they wanted, as long as I ended up where I wanted to be. And I was not entirely sure where that was, but I was pretty sure that it was in Edwin's arms forever.