‹ Prequel: Where's the Heart?

Love is a Two Way Street

Lions Roar

Quinn's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what had just happen! What about Jade's happy ending? I couldn't tell her future at the moment for it was changing every five seconds! One second Edwin was saving her, the next he was accusing her of cheating. Then Jayden was killing her and Edwin was killing himself!

I ran as fast as I could in heels, but it wasn't fast enough. I took them off and sprinted home. Edwin was the only one who could save her: I didn't know where Jayden had taken her, but he could track down her thoughts.

"Edwin!" I screamed, running in through the door. Nathan pulled me into his arms and tried to kiss me, but I tore myself from him. "Where's Ed?" I asked, anxious.

"In his room. Why?"

I didn't answer: I just ran past him and up the stairs. I pretty much tore Edwin's door down. When he opened it smiling, looking for Jade, I wanted to punch him. But then his face grew worried.

"Where is she?" he asked, whispering as he still looked for her.

"I don't know! Jayden took her!" I yelled, crying.

"Son of a bitch!" he screamed, taking in a deep breath.

"Find her!" I demanded, pushing him down the stairs. "We have to find her!"

"I know that! Let me focus!" he yelled back at me, trying to calm down. "Okay, I got her. I'm going to get her. I'll bring her back."

"I want to--"

"No! I don't want you to see me kill him."

I watched after him as he strode out the door, gone in a second. I prayed he would bring her back.

"What happened?" Nathan asked, worried.

"Jade. Jayden took her."

"Oh God. Quinn, are you ok?"

"I most certainly am not!" I cried. "But come on. I want to sit down."

Edwin, please bring her home.