‹ Prequel: Where's the Heart?

Love is a Two Way Street

Anthem of our Dying Day

"Oh my God! Thank God you're okay! I was so worried!" Quinn yelled, refusing to let go of the bear-like hold she had on me.

"Equinox, I'm fine! But for chrissake, thank God I'm a vampire or you'd be killing me!" I whined.

Really, she was hugging me so tight I thought she might snap me in half! I mean, come on I was obviously fine!

"Quinn, can you take it easy on my fiancée? She's the only one I have," Edwin muttered, snatching me away from her.

"Oh?" I asked, offended. "Do you not like this only one you have?!"

"No. I love her," he smirked, holding me close.

"That's better," I mumbled. "You better after all I've gone through for you."

Edwin made this really weird face. He kind of looked constipated... Or like he had just walked in on his mom being raped by an old actor who was sad because he didn't get the part in his play! Oh, the poor guy.

"You're making me let Jayden stay here, Jade. You're putting me through a lot more!" he argued, glowering.

Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong! Boy do I hope that's not copyrighted!

"I'm just being nice to the guy!" I yelled, tearing myself out of his arms. And like that we got into a great big argument that probably last two minutes before Nathan intervened.

"Stop being such children! God, you two love each other, so stop acting like you want to kill each other! Edwin, get over it. Jade, be happy!" he yelled. "God! You are such morons! Quinn, let's go to my room."

She cast a glance at me and nodded silently, taking his hand and leaving. I breathed in deeply.

"I'm sorry," we said in unison. I smiled and held him close.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Jade. And if it will make you happy, Jayden can stay." I smiled, but then he shushed me. "But, there's some rules."

"Ugh," I groaned. "Fine."

"Okay, he sleeps on the couch and he is not to be alone with you, period. Alright?"

"Fine, fine."

"Now then, shall we go make sweet passionate love before the Devil comes back?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. I laughed.

"Yes, we shall!" I cried, jumping on his back. "And away we go!"