‹ Prequel: Where's the Heart?

Love is a Two Way Street

Get Out Alive

"Oh my God!" I screamed, running as fast as my legs could carry me. Wailing like a banshee, I darted up to...

The cotton candy stand!

"They have the little swirl machine and everything!" I squealed in delight, in a trance as I watched the cotton candy go round and round.

And round and round and round!

"I knew you'd love it," she told me, laughing.

"I love the fair!"

I hurriedly paid the man, thanking him for his cottony goodness on a stick. I turned to Quinn, grinning absurdly.

"Stop grinning absurdly!" she complained. "Now I say we ride some junk before you go and eat too much so you throw up!"

"I'll be sure to be facing you."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, dragging me past a dozen food stands. I mentally promised to visit each and every one of them.

“Until then, my loves,” I whispered softly.

Quinn ignored me completely as she happily dragged me to a rock wall. “I bet I can beat you.”

“I bet you can, too!” I challenged, looking up at the fifty-foot high contraption. It didn’t sit well with me. “Here, I’ll stay and watch you beat me, okay?”

“Uh, hell no! I want to beat you fair and square. Unless...you’re a chicken!”

”That doesn’t work on me anymore, Quinn! We’re not in elementary school!”

She started making the noises and parading around like a moron, clucking, “Where’s my baby chicks! I’m a chicken! Watch me strut!”

“Oh my God, shut up!” I complained. “Whatever! But if I die, it’s on your shoulders!”

She stood up straight and cleared her throat. After making one last chicken noise, she walked up to the man and paid him.

“No backing out now,” she smirked, leading me to the gigantic wall. Did I mention I hate heights?

“Fine,” I hissed. To the man in charge, I added, “Okay, count down from three.” Any more and I would so be backing out of this!

“Uh, three, two, one.”

I took in a deep breath and followed Quinn up. She seemed to have no trouble at all, but I kept losing my footing every other step. I’d probably gotten over half of the way up when I heard a snap.

Okay, now that couldn’t be good!

I looked up and saw the cable splitting.

“Quinn, I’m done!” I yelled, trying not to cry. I was scared out of my mind! Could vampires die of a broken neck? Well, I don’t know!

But just as I was making my way down, I heard it give.

And before I knew it, I was plummeting down forty feet and to the concrete floor...