‹ Prequel: Where's the Heart?

Love is a Two Way Street

Note to Self

When I woke up I had the biggest headache the world had ever known. I groaned and turned over in bed. It was probably time to get up since I knew I wouldn't be seeing Gage around. I probably needed a job or something. But I was in no hurry to do that. I got out of bed reluctantly and shuffled out of the room half asleep.


I fell back onto my butt. That definitely woke me up and I looked around, startled. I looked up to the door and saw a wall! Okay, I knew where my door was even if I was an idiot. I looked around the rest of the room and saw it was a bit drab. My room was full of colors and this one was just black and green. I had nothing against those colors, I just knew my room looked like a hippie had thrown up a rainbow!

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered to myself. I walked to the opposite wall and walked to the door there. As soon as I went out of my room I was so confused. There was a door opposite of mine and there were staircases on each side of me. I took a chance and walked down the one to my left.

When I got to the bottom I realized they both lead to the same spot: a lower level. Okay, now my house had only one floor and no winding staircases! I looked around and walked into the next room over. Edwin was laying on a black leather sofa and he was just staring at the ceiling.

"Edwin!" I screamed and he fell off the couch and onto the floor before shooting back up on his feet, eyes wide.

"What the hell--Oh. Good morning, Jade," he snickered, sitting back down.

"What is going on? Why are you here?" I demanded. He looked at me like I was insane.

Well, let's try something else. He looked at me like I had a cat on my head. Yeah, let's go with that.

"Jade, I don't know what you mean? I thought I was allowed to be in my own home."

"What are you talking about?"

Edwin stood up and walked over to me, grabbing my wrist.

"Jade, let me tell you something. You are mine, got it? The marks are still on your neck, are they not?"

"You never planned on leaving for good, did you?" I muttered, defeated.

"Not at all. Once I see something I want, I don't give it up. Jade, you didn't honestly expect me to just forget all about you, did you?" He backed me up to the wall, getting all up in my face once again.

"Dammit, Edwin! We can't do this!"

"You can't, but I can," he purred, biting my lip.

"No you can't! It's not--"

His lips found mine and I melted in his arms. I knew I loved him; I truly did. Even when I was with Gage, I had wished Edwin was the one holding me and kissing me good night. But this wasn't right. I wanted it to be, but it wasn't. I tried to make myself push him away, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

If you're in love with someone, should you have to leave him...again?