Sequel: Cricket On Tour

All Time Low and Cricket


I was in my room reading Crime and Punishment for English, but not really paying attention because I was upset that I just broke up with Adam, but giddy at the thought that Alex liked me. When, I heard a knock at my door. I threw my book down, happy to have a reason not to read it, and answered the door. Jack was standing there with Eileen’s Cookies, and Clueless, my very favorite movie and my very favorite cookies.

“I come bearing gifts.” He said with a solemn look.

“Aw! Jack!” I said as I threw my arms around him in a hug, we hadn’t talked since our little fight. Then, we migrated to my bed (which is so soft!) and popped in the DVD.

“Did you hear about me and Adam?” I asked after the movie and we were just eating popcorn on my bed.

“Yeah, that sucks.” He said nodding his head solemnly.

“Oh, God!” I gasped. “You would not believe that bitch Marti Muller!” From there it was me and Jack complaining about crap and joking around, and quoting lines from our favorite movies.

“See, this is why you’re my best friend!” Jack exclaimed. “You get me.”

“That acting like a little kid is way fun? Yeah!” I laughed.

“Seriously, maturity is overrated.” He said rolling his eyes.

“Oh, geez. I don’t want you guys to go on tour again.” I said sadly.

“Me either.” Jack agreed. I looked at him, come on, who wouldn’t want to be a rockstar?

“Whatever, you’re not serious.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah I am!” Jack exclaimed. “Sometimes, I really miss just hanging out.” He looked at me very seriously, something I was not used to. It was really awkward too.

“HEY CRICKET!” Zack yelled from downstairs. “DINNER!”

“Oh! Um, c’mon, let’s go.” I said jumping up.

“Okay.” Jack said all sulky again. Ugh, he’s being such a pain lately.

Rian was downstairs with Zack, my mom and dad, and looked really surprised to see Jack come down the stairs with me. “Jack! Hey man! I didn’t know you were here!”

“Um, yeah. I was watching a movie with Cricket.”

“How sweet! Jack you are such a doll!” my mom gushed. So embarrassing.

We all sat down, and I ended up next to Rian, which was cool, we never hang out.
“So, I see you’re moving on already from Austin.”

“Adam, Rian, it was Adam.” I sighed. “And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sure. Okay Cricket.” He said giving me a “yeah right” look.

“Pain in the butt.” I mumbled.

Boys suck.
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Yep, two updates in one night. I'm a rock god! Anyway, I saw a story on hear about Zack's little sister and her being with the boys after they had been on tour, and her name was Haley.

Pretty crazy! I guess great minds think alike. Except she spelled Haley wrong. :(
Hayley (with a y!)