Narcotic Sweet Talk

Starry Eyes

Vic was slowly walking down a dock in Seattle, a short pit stop before his tour bus took off again and he left for his home state of California. He was looking at the water, the pretty sky reflected off of it, casting a blue haze over everything and everyone. A pretty blonde girl was walking his way and seeing as he was still on a natural high from a great show the previous night, he crossed her path. Her name was Shannon and she had the most entrancing, starry blue eyes Vic had ever seen.

From then on, Vic couldn't stop thinking about Shannon and their blooming relationship. She was always a surprise, someone Vic couldn’t read. He fell in love quickly and believed she did too, but seeing as Shannon was always unpredictable, he was gravely wrong.

Tony had fallen onto Vic's lap, taking him out of his trance. The sea blue light still filled his eyes. The image of Tony sitting on him didn’t register as Vic attempted to get up, causing Tony to tumble onto the wooden floor. He vaguely heard Mike say, "Fuck, now the neighbors are going to bitch for sure...hey Vic, Vic! Where are you going?"

Vic was walking away, into the bathroom he and Mike shared. He locked the door behind him and found his way into the bathtub and sat down abruptly, crashing down on the linoleum and banging his head on the tile. He felt like his heart had been ripped out and he didn’t want anyone to sew him up, the only person who could help him stop mentally bleeding now was Shannon.

Shannon: the name echoed in his head as he sloppily reached for his cell phone in his pocket. He took it out and dialed the number he memorized a long time ago. There was no answer and Vic started talking before the machine picked up and stopped after he realized his words were lost. The beep sounded and he started again, "Shannon, doll face, please, I miss you. I fucking...I don't, I fuck." Vic stumbled drunkenly over his words, "Please understand me when I'd rather see you dead than live without me. I, I guess I fucking understand that well, that I don't think you'll ever want to love me. I know that you'd rather see me dead than face me."

Vic sobbed once before carrying on, "Well fuck you then! You're dead to me if I'm dead to you. If your delicate eyes don't blink someday, they might as well be gone...fuck! Fuck! Shannon, what I'm really trying to say is that if you don't love me, then I really have no reason to live..."