Assigned to Fate

All of us have had imaginary friends at some point in time, and most have been told that they have active imaginations. What would happen if you found out that your imaginary friend was real? What if a whole planet existed just as you had imagined it?

Now imagine you are taken there and forced to rule said planet. Everything happens just as you imagined it, but not all imaginings are harmless.

Andrew Volpe and his band mates from Ludo find themselves in this situation. How can they escape when they're been assigned to fate?
  1. Punk'd
    by ofnothingness (yours truly)
  2. It's All About the Mold
    by queenofrock123 (my lovely co-author)
  3. Strange Recognitions
    by ofnothingness
  4. Oh The Joys Of The Ball Pen
    written by queenofrock123
  5. Poopies.