Assigned to Fate

It's All About the Mold

We have them! Finally! Our people will be so thrilled! It is time for them to accept their fate, to complete their destiny.

Andrew’s POV

I woke up to a blinding light and a huge headache. And I couldn’t remember anything. That freaked me out. Well, at least I could remember my name and where I came from, just not what had happened recently, like maybe in the last week?

Then I realized I had no earthly idea where I was. Panic attack anyone? My breathing grew short and my heart beat its way nearly out of my chest. “Okay focus!” I told myself, the doctors always said to focus on one thing and describe it to get your mind off of the panic-y-ness (and yes I do make up words).

So I began to look around the room, trying to find something to focus on. It was strange; it looked like a normal hotel room. My mind started churning… Why would I wake up in a random hotel room… alone? This confused me. I had never been one for one night stands. And I could not remember alcohol being involved. Was I kidnapped? Nah, that would be crazy.

I started racking my brain for answers, but to my great dismay, none came. I was utterly, completely lost as to what had happened to me. And a horrible gripping fear seized me. I laid back down on the bed and tightly closed my eyes, trying to tell myself that I was dreaming and I would wake up in my bed. I opened my eyes. I was still in a hotel room. Damn it!

Well I couldn’t just lie here forever. So I decided to try the door, see if it was locked. It wasn’t. I wasn’t too sure whether I was happy about that or not. I slowly opened the door to peek outside; I was terrified to think of all the possibilities of what I might see. My palms grew sweaty and I almost couldn’t grasp the knob; I almost didn’t want to. I eventually pushed past my fears and made myself push open the door.

I nearly fainted from what I saw. It was nothing like a hotel. Everything was made of wooden planks that were old and rotting. You could see the termites living in the crevices of the lumber. Scanning the entire length, I also noticed what looked like mold hanging from the ceiling, that is until it started moving on its own accord. I quickly averted my gaze, not even wanting to think about what it might be.

It seemed like I was in a hallway of sorts. And everywhere I looked there were more people (or what looked relatively like people) rushing this way and that, not paying the slightest attention to me. The lack of notice I was getting made me immensely relieved, though not completely calm. My palms were still soaked and my heart, although not pounding out of my chest, was still above its average rate.

Not knowing what else to do, I started walking in the opposite direction than where most everyone else was headed. I examined my new surroundings, trying to see if I could recognize anything that would jog my memory, or better yet, find someone I knew, like the rest of the band. I wished they were here with me, they would know what to do. Together we were an amazing team, but separate we were practically nothing.

I was so busy in my thoughts of my close friends that I didn’t even notice when one of these strange looking people approached me and started speaking to me. When I tried to listen to what it was saying, I realized that it was a completely different dialect, and I did not recognize it as anything I had ever heard before, and I had traveled quite a lot.

When the creature realized I did not understand what it was trying to say, it started gesturing for me to follow it. I was in a strange place that I didn’t recognize, around freaky looking people/mold, surrounded by beings that couldn’t speak my language, and one wanted me to follow it. The way I saw it, I was screwed either way, might as well go out as painlessly as possible. So I obeyed.

Now that I wasn’t just wandering around aimlessly, I felt much better. For some reason it calmed me knowing that there was nothing I could do to change anything that was going on. I was not in control, so basically I just dealt with it. It was strange how some moments I would get so worked up over something, and the next how nothing bothered me. Maybe I’m bi-polar. I should get that checked out next time I see a doctor.

At that thought I mentally slapped myself, next time I see a doctor?!? HA, like that’s gonna happen. I’ll be lucky if I don’t end up dead within the next twenty-four hours.

As soon as I thought that, a door opened in front of me and my leader, revealing what looked like the pilot’s area from star trek. I froze when I saw what was outside the window.

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We updated!! You all ought to celebrate, but before you run off to do that, please leave a comment. It will help us update again soon, so you can celebrate again! See? Everyone benefits!