Assigned to Fate

Strange Recognitions

Our heroes entered the bridge, with no idea of the destiny they would fulfill upon reaching our planet. They did not know who I was, but they were soon to find out.

Tim Convy POV

ALIENS!! OMG!!! ALIENS!!! I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET ALIENS!! (even if it means getting kidnapped by them).

Andrew POV

There I stood on the bridge, facing my band mates who were lined up haphazardly before me. Timmy F. looked mildly amused at the situation, his hand adjusting his glasses slightly. Marshall whom I have always called Mushpot, much to his distaste, appeared to be rather confused, but this was his natural state of mind, so no concern there. Matt looked absolutely terrified, like he was about to wet his pants out of fear, and Tim C. looked like he was about to wet his pants out of excitement. He let out a high-pitched squeal as the alien I presumed to be the leader of our captors entered the bridge.

As strange as it may seem, I had this strange feeling of recognition when I saw her. She wasn’t either of the two girls that had led us to the ship, but I swear I knew her from somewhere.

And then she spoke. “Hello, my friends.” And then I knew. It was impossible, but it was true. This was her. She had died years and years ago, but now she was there before me, and I knew it had to be her. It was that voice. No imitation could possibly copy the tinkling sound of a single bell, or the gentle rhythm of the ocean, the sweet sigh of a Siren captured in that voice.

I realized that I trusted that voice, and, more dangerously, I would do anything that voice asked of me.

Tim Ferrell POV

I looked upon the strange new world around me with intrigue. I hadn’t ever gotten around to going into outer space, so I figured I might as well take advantage of our present predicament. The stars outside the ship were beautiful as we raced past, exceeding the speed of light by a good margin, I presume.

This ship was quite peculiar, with a strange mix of ancient rotting wood and stainless metal. Not to mention the creatures aboard it, with a green glow to their skin. Intriguing!

And there stood Andy before the four of us, staring at the strange ringleader of the aliens as if he had just seen a ghost. She was probably the strangest looking of them all, her long red ringlets tied back with a scarf, a strange glowing moving mold stuck to her shoulder. Her clothes were torn and her boots left neon footprints on the sparkling metal floor we were standing on. She stood out as the rest of her crew was in uniforms, either light gray, gray, or off-black. Their pale complexions accented the strict order their uniforms presented. They sat at their posts, awaiting orders from this ghoulish red-headed creature. Intriguing.
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*bursts out in song* MEMORIES....ALL ALONE IN THE MOONLIGHT!!!! DUMDEDUMDADADUMDUM LADEDADEDADUM!! mmkay srry bout that :) its short but still

for those of you who dont know me its liz aka queenofrock123 much love, srry this story is taking so long.... what can i say? me and natalie are just lazy :p