Light up My World

Light Up My World
By: VioletShadows01


My name is Violet Monroe, my few friends call me Vee, Vi, or Roe. I grew up in a small bum-fuck town in central Pennsylvania. I grew up in a normal household, single mother, a younger brother. No money problems growing up, but we weren't rich either.

We were your usual middle-class suburban family.

Key word: were.

Now. My world is a dark, dark place.

And I mean that.

I doubt moving to Huntington Beach will change anything about that.

Character Info:

Main Original Characters

Name: Violet Monroe
Nicknames: Vee, Vi, Roe
Age: 18
Hair: short, choppy black, streaked lime green and purple
Eyes: Hazel-green
Background Info:
Violet Monroe lives with her mother and younger brother, Thomas. Father left her and her brother when she was five. She gained an interest in Fine Arts when she was nine. Her entire world turned one-eighty after a car accident when she was 16.

Name: Christopher Walkins
Nicknames: Chris, Topher
Age: 18
Hair: spiky black
Eyes: Blue-grey
Background Info:
Christopher Walkins became friends with Violet when she was seven. When he turned twelve, his father died in a car accident, his mother becoming an alcoholic. Violet's mother, when Chris's mother was unable to take care of her son, adopted Chris into their family. Has an ear for good music, Musically Talented.

Name: Lauren Green
Nicknames: Ren, Renny, Renny-Cakes
Age: 17
Hair: shoulder length brown hair, purple streaks
Eyes: Dark brown
Background Info:
Grew up in Huntington Beach, California. Best friends with Matt Sanders and Zack Baker. Is infatuated with their friend, Brain Haner, but hides it well. Lives with both parents, but closer with her father than her mother.

Name: Thomas Monroe
Nicknames: Tommy, Tom
Age: 16
Hair: Messy blond hair
Eyes: Light blue
Background Info:
Little brother of Violet, but got into a lot of trouble in school for fighting. Has a normal sibling relationship with Violet until the accident, where his protective brother attitude came out more. Athletic, plays Soccer, Baseball and Basketball.

Disclaimer: I do not own a7x. I do however, own Lauren and Chris, and the both love it!

Comments appreciated. Give me ideas. Thoughts. What you like. What you don't like.