Killing Daniel Heartman.

chapter 1 Feeding Time

Killing Daniel Heartman:

I never planned on being a killer. Never in my life dreams did I once say, today. Well, today I think I want to murder the most attractive man in Spring Lake, California. Nor in my wildest aspirations did I once believe that this would be happening to me. My life was crumbling down before my eyes and there was nothing that I could do about it. I suppose things somehow change us in life and therefore cause us to do unspeakable acts. Acts that can get us hurt, acts that can give us pleasure, and acts that we can not just take back with a simple wish.

I would first like to state ladies and gentleman of the jury, that I did not commit this crime on my own. Without a doubt I had help.

I had the help of a friend, a comrade… my sister. Well, my older twin sister to be exact, it was Audrey’s idea and I had no problem going along with the scheme. In my opinion it was time for Daniel to get what he deserved and since Karma wasn’t working nearly as fast as what it needed to be, I decided to lend a hand in the process.

What can I say about Mr. Daniel Heartman…?

For starters he was unlike any other, owning the best jawbone structure that the wine country of Spring Lake had ever seen with hair the color of morning sunrise, a mixture of ginger red, dirty blonde and chocolaty brown. Daniel was gifted with the body build of a swimmer, an amazing Greek God sculpted chest adorning warm glowing skin, and long powerful legs.

Mr. Heartman was practically considered a celebrity in our town, he was the guy all the girls wanted to be with and the guy that all the boys wished they were. The teachers of Spring Lake loved him; parents adored him and the Jr. High girls worshiped him.

I personally found it all rather sickening, the way all the towns’ people praised him. It truly was sickening.

Do I hold hostility towards him?

Yes. It is just that simple. I suppose I should explain ladies and gentleman, although Daniel Heartman was brilliantly handsome, he was also unnervingly cruel. It was almost frightening, the things that his mind could concoct up to do to little innocent girls… Girls who were just trying to find their place,

Girls who were still trying to understand there selves,

Girls who needed to love and be loved,

Girls who wanted to speak,

Girls who lost there voice,

Girls he stole there voices from,

Girls who will never have there voices heard again…

It was alike every other early September morning in Vermont, the wind was nipping and the sky appeared as though summer hadn’t even existed. Beautiful red and orange crumbled leaves embellished the streets and pathways. One of my favorite things about Vermont was the gorgeous weather, it was always cold, allowing you to sit beside any stranger’s warm body and cuddle next them with no repercussions. The soft fog always called for one to bring hot coco to their chilled lips, taking in large gulps and feel grateful for that wonderful feeling of warm liquid crawling down your throat and dancing in the pit of your stomach.

Stars Hollow Vermont without a doubt was 50 times better than Spring Lake. Not only was the weather better, but people of Stars Hollow were friendlier, and there was a close net small town feel to it. Best of all, no one in town had ever even heard of the name Daniel Heartman.

Quickly I layered on my clothes. Adoring my body with thick undergarments, a sports bra, gray checkered long johns, double socks, a white under shirt ,black sweat pants and a baby blue long sleeved shirt. In practically no time I managed to pull my honey blonde hair into a neat pony tail and shove my feet into a pair of blue Nike running shoes.

Quietly I close my bedroom door and make my way down the long hall. Unintentionally I found myself reading the names on the door as I passed through. Across from my name, Audrina (which happened to be spelled out in sparkly indigo calligrapher stencils), was my twin sister Audrey (her name was written in bold pink curvy letters practically screaming her out going personality). Further down the hall to my right was where my twin brother Aurthur slept (his name was effortlessly carved neatly in a simple green color) that was Aurthur for you, simple, smart, and serious… most of the time. We called him the realist of our family… that and Ghost Bro, but you’ll learn later why.

Opposite of my male twin was my other twin brother Aubrey (his name appeared as though it were tagged in a metallic gray graffiti). Aubrey was the kindest of us all; he was always giving to others and extremely playful. I’ve hardly ever seen Aubrey angry, frustrated at times but never angry, he was kind hearted by nature.

Parallel to my second oldest twin was the third twin male Audrien(his name was off course untidily scribbled on his door in a mind boggling orange.) He was the Sex God of us twins. Sexy, Seductive, Alluring, that was all Audrien and he let it be known. At times he would remind me of Daniel Heartman (and those were the times that I couldn’t look him in the eye) but Audrien wasn’t rude or mean about his good looks… just a bit conceded was all.

To the right of that door was my last twin brother Auren (he managed to inscribe his name perfectly with red paint.) Auren was our Mozart, well a modern day Mozart. He loved music and was self taught in over 13 instruments. Auren loved music and music loved him back, it was just that simple.

Finally at the end of the hallway between my parent’s bedroom and Auren’s was my 5 year old little sister AURIOLA (her name was literally drawn in a mixture of rainbow color finger-paint, along wit h bold upper case letters.) She was the baby and the only child of my parents who wasn’t a twin. Auriola was bit spoiled, but then again what 5 year old wasn’t and loved family above all things. She was genuine and sincere, that in it self says a lot about a person.

My 5” 5 and 130lbs walked down the staircase and over to the front door. I grabbed my second eldest brother Aubrey’s dark blue hooded pullover before heading through the door. I knew that Aubrey wouldn’t mind me borrowing it; he was the kindest out of us twins.

I made my way down the slippery driveway and stopped at the front of my house. I turned and looked over at the sight, it looked like a mansion, but all the houses in Stars Hollow appeared like that. Besides we needed the biggest home we could afford, if you haven’t noticed I am one of the sextuplets and that’s not to mention our youngest Auriola, Lola for short. That’s right my parents had exactly 7 healthy children and I’m certain that they couldn’t be any happier, Lola was our little surprise from God that brought the family closer together.

My silvery green orbs observed the house that I have lived in for the past 4 years. It was a smooth gray color with golden porch lights, gray bricks accents, wide vine windows, a beautiful angel fountain, two small front balcony and four back balconies. We also had a large deck that we use during the summer to barbecue and in winter to roast chestnuts.

For a brief second I nearly slipped on the wet driveway and made sure to walk carefully the rest of the way. When I was finally at the front I waited for around 5 minutes, my green and silver eyes taking in the block as I watched the for sale sign across the street sway slowly in the wind.

The manor had been vacant for the past two years and every time I saw the place I couldn’t help but sigh, we all did, the twins I mean, little Lola is too young to remember. Well all except for Audrey who would every so often sheds a tear. Her boy friend Rupert had lived there. They got together when we moved here from Spring Lake in 7th grade and stayed together for 3 years until Rupert died. He was killed in a car crash in our 10th grade year.

It was a tough time for Audrey and in my opinion she has never been the same. My sister had lost her first and possibly only true love to an untimely death. Since then she started drinking and well… we all have our own problems. The strange thing is, seeing Audrey and Rupert made me believe in true love and watching him being taken away like that made me become a non believe.

I inhaled a deep breath of air and then released, amusement slowly filled my face as I watched the air I had once taken in leave my parted lips like smoke. I did this a few more times, each time making the smoke stay longer and longer, and continuously the fog would dance around me for a few seconds before finally leaving me. I frowned.

I couldn’t help but wonder if we were like smoke? And if so where did we go when we left? Why did it leave me like Rupert left Audrey? Was that what love was like? There one minute and gone the next. Was it impossible for love to stay around you just like the foggy air? Or was there a master plan? Some sort of master plan that we are destined to be a part of…

Did everyone have a destination?

Even Daniel Heartman?

“Morning, Audrina.”

Instantly I found myself smiling, there was only person in Stars Hollow that could say my name so simply yet making my heart leap into my throat. It was like going on your first rollercoaster, instantly it becomes your favorite because it’s so damn fun and excitingly suspenseful all at the same time.

I gave a large grin, my eyes greeting him back enthusiastically.

“How’s the Caspen family doing this morning?” questioned Lee.

I placed my hands together and tilted them along with my head, resting my right ear upon the back of my hands.

“There all still sleeping?” Asked the boy in slight surprise

I nodded my head as I looked up at the male. Lee was brilliantly handsome with caramel brown sometimes toffee skin. He was half African- American half Caucasian and absolutely gorgeous. Every time I saw his eyes I couldn’t help but smile. His orbs were a beautiful twilight, deep and dark in the evening but a sparkly hazel brown during the day. I noticed he wore his hair in a short low hair cut, he called it a fade and sometimes if he brushed it often enough, small waves would form in the darkness of his ocean hair.

“Oh, well you ready to get going?” commented Lee now placing his arms over his head and giving a good hard stretch.

My blonde ponytail swayed back and forth as I nodded my head. I stood on my toes and let my finger tips reach towards the sky. I did this about three times trying to get in a good stretch, there was nothing worse than cramping up on a 3 mile jog.

“Here.” Chuckled Lee now standing behind me, he used his feet to bring mine side by side. I found him pulling my finger tips with his own, giving my body a complete stretch. I felt it from my toes to my palms and also a pulling sensation between my legs…

Was I supposed to feel it down there?

Lee pulled up a little more and I could feel my back against his chest, it was firm and welcoming. The sensation between my thighs gave off a stronger urge and I suddenly felt the need to cross my legs. I remember when I asked Audrey about this feeling, believe me it wasn’t the first time my… funny place gave a laugh. She said that it meant I wanted him inside me, back then I tried not think about doing that kind of stuff with Lee. As of now a day, well let’s just say I have long given up on trying to ignore my sexual thoughts.

The male gave one final hard tug and I took in a sharp breath of cold air. It was a bit painful, but felt good all at the same time.

That’s was the exact way Audrey explained how it felt to loose her Virginity. The ironic part is, I knew precisely how it felt… when she lied down that summer’s night in our freshman year of high school with Rupert, I felt exactly every movement he made inside of her. I remember when Audrey came home past her curfew and I told that I felt her loose her V card, her face was scarlet for a week and I couldn’t stop mentally laughing.

My brothers, sister, and I have twin telepathy so not only can we put our thoughts in each others minds but sometimes we can actually feel what the other may feel. For example when Auren fell off the roof in 4th grade and broke his arm we all felt the pain and the 6 of us were sporting matching casts for 2 months. After learning what happened from that incident we all realized that we have to not only take in consideration of our own safety but our twin’s safety as well when doing every day activities.

We ran down our usual path through the town, past Moon Light Lake, over Tower Bridge and across the Blair woods. By now we Lee and I were making our way half way through Tower Bridge and I wasn’t feeling tired yet. It was clear that my endurance was getting a lot better and I must admit my stomach has never looked flatter. Between running in the morning with Lee and soccer practice with all 4 of my brothers in the evening I would be in shape for the soccer trials in no time.

“So are you ready for school.” grinned Lee his eyes aren’t twilight yet, at the moment there a hazel brown with gorgeous gold specks.

I put my hand flat out in front of me and shake it a bit as though to say, *Kind of Sort of *.

“Well that’s enthusiastic.” laughs my friend. When Lee laughs it always contagious and sometimes I wish I could tell him that instead of writing it.

I shrug my shoulders as if to say, *I don’t know.*

“It’s ok I figure junior year won’t be that great anyway, well I mean besides hanging with you off course.” comments the brown skinned boy as he gives me a slight shove.

I make a silent laugh and jog my way back beside him, my hand giving him a slight push as well. Although it’s chilly out I feel a little warm, but that may be because Lee said that one of the few things great about school would be hanging out with me. While my friend has never made it seem as though he would rather be friends with someone else… it’s nice to feel reassured.

Do you think Lee would still want to hang out with me if he found out that I imagine what he looks like naked?

My face goes red at the thought of him finding out and I immediately put the hood of Aubrey’s green sweatshirt, over my face. How embarrassing would that be?

“Your head needs the cold air to cool off, yah dummy.” snaps Lee as he tugs the hood off the top of my head. “See your all red and shit.”

Believe me I’m red for a completely different reason.

It isn’t long before were trotting through Blair woods and I’m beginning to feel fatigued. It’s because your a fatty, I thought. Ok so maybe I wasn’t fat, or at least that’s what people would think. But they didn’t know, not even Lee.

Back in grade school I was a tub, short and round just like when Violet ate the experimental candy from The Wonka Factory and the little oompa loompa’s had to roll her out of the room.

Alright so maybe I didn’t have to be rolled around just for transportation, but it was pretty bad…


“Yeah, Jillian and I broke up yesterday because… she found out that I liked you.” whispered Daniel. This was one of the few times that his delectable chocolaty brown eyes were looking at me. We stood in the main hall of Spring Lake Elementary right at the corner of the stairwell; I was going to the bathroom to clean off the glue that Ricky put on my chair, when Daniel stopped me.

“Y- You like me?” my eyes were wide but not likely to be seen thanks to my huge bifocals. Out of 6 twins I was the one with the poor eye sight.

“Off course I like you Audrina.” smirked Daniel. “I’d be crazy not to.”

By now there was a huge toothpaste commercial grin plastered across my face, my metal wire braces covering every inch of my mouth, jaw line, and head top, practically blinding everyone with its reflection and stealing all the light from the sun. Just like the bad eyes, I was burdened with bad teeth due my chocolate addiction, this may have been one of the key reasons I was obese back then. Before my family moved to Vermont we were poor off our asses so I couldn’t afford contacts or those invisaline braces or even the normal braces for that matter.

“Oh, I-I always thought y-you didn’t like me.” The words slowly came out of my mouth in small jumbles; I hardly talked back then, it’s kind of hard to get a word in with 5 other kids that looked like you. Eventually I just stopped talking all together due to the intolerable bullying in school and Daniel. It wasn’t long before I even refused to speak at home and ultimately I loss my voice all together.

“No I like you like you… a lot.” trailed Daniel now standing a little close for comfort, but I am sad to admit that I had liked it. “Audrina can I ask you a favor?”

“Y-yeah sure, I’ll do anything.” I babbled. Clearly I was desperate.

“Do you think it would be ok… if I kissed you?”

I’ve seen clown noses duller than my bright red face.

I swallowed hard and was certain that it could be heard “Uh-huh.”

I closed my eyes and never actually felt lips upon mine. Nope, instead I felt Daniels strong arms forcefully pushing my non existent breast s inward and me falling down a flight of stairs. I didn’t even have a chance to understand what was going on until I was sprawled out across the bottom of the stairs with blood coming from the side of my head.

That day I had to get five stitches on the left side of my head, right above my ear and even til this day I have a bruise over my right breast from Daniels hands pushing me, I was 8 years old then.

The familiar feeling of air beginning to leave my body came at full blast. My lungs began to work over time as my mind felt like I was spiraling downward. I had to stop running for a moment and grab onto Lee’s arm just to not fall over.

“Rina?” questioned Lee; this was his nick name for me. I didn’t think my name was that long from the start but I liked the idea of him calling me something special from everyone else.

“Audrina are you okay?”

I wheezed hard my body now doubling over, it was sad to say that this happened every time I had a flashback that involved Daniel Heartman. Even though I was literally on the opposite side of the country away from him, to my misfortune he still had power over me. I was weak and I knew it.

“You better not be having another panic attack!” shouted Lee. I found it hilarious that whenever he was scared he yelled.

“Hey, hey look at me Audrina.” started the boy, his sparkly brown eyes wide. “Calm down, I need you to calm down for me, ok?”

I gasped hard for air but managed to nod my head. I was hot, so hot and hadn’t even realized that both Lee and I were sitting on the forest floor. I struggle to get of the jacket and start to tug off my shirt when I feel Lee’s hands helping me.

“Will my shirt make you feel better?” Struggling to breathe, it took nearly all my energy just in order to give my head a nod.

Seconds later I was wearing Lee’s shirt, the smell of sweet men’s cologne and fall air filling my senses. My knees were pulled up to my chest and I rested my head at the top of my knee. I wasn’t sure what it was about my friend’s shirt that calmed me down, but it worked every time. The feeling of being engulfed in his warmth and scent always brought me to peace.


I gave a tired smile and nodded my head. He always knew how to make every thing back to a calm…

“Dude pass me the pancakes.”

“I so called the last French toast, give it back!”

“Orange juice, who wants?”

“I scream you scream, we all scream for ice cream!”

“My pancakes Damnit!!”

“Hit me with some OJ over here, will yah?”

“If you don’t give me back my French toast I’m stabbing you in the kidney!”

“Good morning, Caspen family” greeted Lee walking into the zoo we called a kitchen. No one even looked his way. He should have known better, it was feeding time. I wasn’t exactly sure why but my brothers and sister didn’t take well to Lee. Aurthur told me it was because he was a spoiled rich kid who had never had to struggle a day in his life and doesn’t truly deserve anything that he owns… But Aurthur’s also Ghost Bro, so there!

I inwardly laughed as I saw the sight. Auren was practically walking across the kitchen table attempting to reach for the plate with a stack of at least 32 pancakes as Aubrey took the pitcher of orange juice from Audrey and intern poured Auriola a cup of juice. Meanwhile Aurthur was stabbing Audrien with his fork before snatching the French toast of our twin brother’s plate and slapping him with it prior to taking a bite.

God I loved these idiots…

“Good morning Sweetheart.” smiled my mother as I sat across from her. “Hello there, Lee”

“Hey.” grinned my friend looking from my mother and then to my father who simply nodded his head in Lee’s direction and went back to the sports section of the newspaper. Dad was a sports fanatic, simple as that. Well that and he didn’t like Lee that much either... At one point I even thought it was because of his race and then quickly threw that idea out, Aurthur’s girlfriend Enya is African-American and Irish and the family adores her.

Maybe Aurthur was right, maybe it was because the boy is rich… and spoiled. But who wouldn’t be if they had a shit load of money being thrown at them since the age of 2.

I took a plate and handed one to Lee who intern began shoveling food in front of him. He didn’t know what home cooking was unless it was from my mother, his couldn’t even boil water.

The Caspen family didn’t have a normal family sized dinner table. Nope, not at all my father had to get a wooden table built that would comfortably fit 9 people with room to grow( the boys were having growth spurts left and right) and with room to fit guests ( Trent my best friend, who people swore was mothers secret Asian child… Rupert when he was alive… and whoever Audrien is dating for the day).

“Who’s going back to school shopping?” questioned my mother looking at all of her children. You would think that after popping out 7 children her figure would be ruined but it wasn’t. My mother had a coke bottle shape that Audrey and I were lucky to have passed down to us. She was no more than 5”6 with naturally straight sometimes wavy red hair and her skin was a milky color that caused her bronze eyes to at times appear golden.

She was an ideal woman with ideal beauty, that’s what my father would always say in order to describe his wife and this was true in every sense of the phrase. Let’s just say that dad knew what he was doing when he snagged mom and purposed to her at the age of 15, she was only13 back then. My mother was pregnant before she even made the transition from training bras to real bras and dad was a father before he could even get his learners driving permit.

They were babies raising a baby, that’s what my grandma told me, Nana Kate never approved of her son and my mothers relationship.

In my opinion they were brave, courageous and adventurous souls… with a small hint of stupidity off course.

“We need one girl volunteer and two boys, any takers?” questioned my father now folding the newspaper in front of him and scanning the table. There wasn’t a wrinkle on his flawless slightly tanned face, age was a stranger to my parents and probably would be for another 12 years. Mom after all had only turned 30 just last week and dad was barely pushing 32.

“Come on people, don’t make me have to pick or the boys will shop for the girls and vice versa.” commented my father. His bright blue green specked and swirly gray eyes peering over at us as he ran his hand through slightly wavy sandy blonde hair.

“I’ll go since Audrina went last time.” volunteered Audrey raising her fork and giving me a wink. I returned it and my silvery green eyes thanking her matching ones. She knew that I just wanted to chill with Lee today.

“I’ll go too.” piped Aubrey, his mouth filled with chocolate chip pancake. I borrowed his hooded pullover this morning in case you were wondering. Aubrey was known for looking the most like our father with the same sandy blonde hair and 3 toned eye color a mixture of bright blue, sparkly green and cloudy gray. His build was tall and toned with broad shoulders and touching 6”3 with ease.

“Any other takers?” questioned my mother as she cut Lola’s French toast into long strips.

“Sorry mom, I’m having lunch with this major hottie, Vicky.” shrugged Audrien with a satisfied look spreading across his handsome face. You know how every person has the stud in their family? You know that really suave ladies man? Yeah well your looking at him, standing 6”1 (the shortest of the boys) with strawberry blonde hair and bright demanding blue eyes. Audrien was a walking Calvin Klien model, but then again weren’t we all? Audrien was just cockier about his looks.

The Caspen family is a family of good genes and good looks, that’s what Lee would say. My best bud Trent even fit into that category; I have never seen a more handsome Asian male in my life.

…I was a part of the Caspen family; did that mean he thought I was good looking too?

“You don’t mean Vicky with the huge rack do you?” scoffed Auren, tossing his golden blonde hair in order to reveal his cloudy blue eyes.

“Yup.” replied Audrien smugly.

“What cup size are we talking here?” questioned my father taking a sip of his coffee.

“DD bra.” grinned my conceded moron of a twin.

“Is she blonde?” asked my dad. I had no idea where he was going with this, but by now everyone including Lee was watching to see Audrien’s rude awakening.

“Beach blonde.”

“Great body?”

“Playboy should draft her.”

“Opportunity of getting laid?”

“Huge giant massive chance of getting laid.”

My father paused for a moment and took a sip of his coffee, his long fingers scratching at his stubbly beard. I remember when I was 8 years old and he was proud that he had finally managed to grow a full beard. Like Nana Kate said, babies raising babies…

“Now I look like a real grown up!” his words not mine.

“Well in that case son,” started my dad. ”You’re definitely going back to school shopping with your mother.”

“What? Why?” scoffed Audrien, I’m not sure why it was so entertaining to watch my brothers world come crashing down, but it was.

“You just perfectly described a hussy who sounds like she’ll have sex with you and also secretly poke wholes in the condom.” Chuckled my dad. “Next thing you know your trapped with a kid by a gold-digger who’s DD’s have deflated to her knees,’

“What makes you think her tits are fake?”

“A blonde in Stars Hollow with DD’s in the 11th grade, you do know you live in Vermont right?”

*He’s got you there Audrien*

“Mommy what’s a condom? Is it a type of fruit?” questioned Lola, her big blue eyes and Shirley temple ringlet blonde hair turning towards my mother

Everyone burst into laughter and I nodded my head at Lola. *As far as you need to know, yes it is.*
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This is my first story on this site, please don't crush me too bad.