Broken Glass (Author's Cut)

Diary Entry: Purple

AGE: 13
DATE: July 7, 2000


Dear Diary,

Today at school (summer school, I volunteered to go so I’d have an excuse to be out of the house for most of the day) we got a new student in our class. Her name is Alyssa James and she’s probably the smartest girl in our English class.

Her parents had just moved to this side of the city from the East Side and had her school transfer her. Everyone was hard on her because she had been attending our rival school. I hardly think that’s a reason to make fun of someone though. Especially since Alyssa is really nice and has a great sense of humor.

She helped me in English and offered to help me in math but I do okay in that class so I didn’t need any help. Alyssa is really smart and only went to summer school because her parent’s were too busy at work to watch after her well being during the summer holidays. I kind of know how she feels considering dear old ‘dad’ isn’t home most of the time.

After class Peter met up with me and he three of us went and got ice cream before heading home. The two got along great, it was like the three of us had been friends forever.

Apparently, Alyssa only lives a few blocks from us so we could ride our bikes (in my case, borrow one of Peter’s) to get to her house.

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Sorry I forgot to post this one yesterday. I feel so ashamed.