Panic At The Web Blog!


Angela made sure she was completely white she got up and walked over to Jon’s bunk and he was asleep using a teddy bear as a shield. She tugged the Teddy bear out of his arms and he felt around in the air. When he couldn’t seem to find his teddy bear, he opened his eyes and looked at Angela who was holding the teddy bear. He was too frightened to scream so he just put his head under the covers. Angela set the teddy bear on the floor and silently walked back to her little area. She wondered why she was staying, she’d of course have to repeat her eleventh year; but somehow that just made her want to stay longer. She couldn’t though, the tour was ending in a week and she’d have to show herself. She just hoped the band members wouldn’t be too angry with her. She snuck around the bus at 3 taking things that belonged to Spencer and Ryan and finally she went back into her area. Soon all the Panic boys were awake and Jon was telling them about his terrifying experience. Ryan went looking for his guitar picks which mysteriously disappeared from the table drawer and Spencer has no drumsticks anywhere.

“Why hasn’t she taken anything from you?” Ryan asked Brendon suddenly. Brendon was shocked by the question and kicked his brain into gear.

“Maybe because I believed in her!” he came up with, Ryan snorted.

“Brendon I think you had something to do with this!”

“What about the girl Jon saw!?” Spencer asked.

“Jon could have been dreaming.”

“I wasn’t!”

“Well I don’t believe—”

“Ryan Ross!” Angela’s voice rang out and this was something Brendon hadn’t anticipated so he sat there shocked. Angela had hooked up and intercom system and was now talking into a microphone but it was placed in an area that wouldn’t compromise her location, “Do you dare to not believe in me!?”


“Quiet! I warn you Ryan! Keep this attitude up and your guitar just might get legs and run away.”

“Y-yes ghostie lady!” the rest of the ride was silent and like clock work; when the bus stopped the boys were off the bus. Angela rose and she and Brendon went into silent fits of laughter.

“That was pure gold!” he whispered, “when did you do that!?”

“A few weeks ago, I was scared to use it till now.”

“Well these last few weeks are definitely going to be more fun now,” Brendon said with a devious grin.
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an update :]
homework is starting to get pretty hefty so yeah. Don't know when I'll update cause I'm also working on an original fiction.