You Are My Downfall, I Am Your Forgotten Face

Chapter One

Six years is a long time. Especially when four of those six years you were in a suicidal depression, and then refused to speak for the next two years. I want out of this place, but the only way out, according to my doctors, is to talk to a shrink. Well, today is my first session with Dr. Vanderbilt. Hopefully, I'll be out of this loony-bin soon.

I knocked lightly on the wooden door. It swung open and revealed a woman in her mid-thirties.

"Ah, Miss O'Byrne! I'm glad you finally decided to talk to me." I walked in and she closed the door.

"I guess it's a good thing." I mumbled.

"Goo? It's great! Have a seat and let me grab my notebook." She went to her desk and got the items she'd need for the session and sat in a chair across from the couch I was sitting on. "Whenever you're ready." She said.

"I'll never be ready, but I guess I'll start at the beginning. The day I met him, the one who caused me to lose my sanity." She nodded and I continued, "It was the first day of my freshman year. Huntington High is a combination of West and East Huntington middles schools. He was from West, I was from East. I guess you'd say two different sides of the tracks. He had the locker next to mine. I couldn't open the locker, he helped me."

"Ugh! God damn locker!" I yelled kicking it a couple times. So far, my freshman year has me batting zero.

"Woah! What'd the locker ever do to you?" I heard a deep male voice ask.

I turned to say a smart-ass comment, but stopped when I saw him. He was definitely from West, tattoos, piercing, and a body built like a bulldozer. "Uh, nothing."

"Well, let me guess it won't open?"

I laughed, "Yeah."

"Let me help. Put in your combination." I did as he said and he walked up to the locker. HE hit it on the top, on the bottom, and right above the combination lock. The door popped open and he stepped aside. "There ya go."

"Thank-you, I thought I'd be standing there all day." I said in a huff.

He chuckled. "Well, you're welcome. Name's Matt Sanders, but call me Shadz."

"Alannah O'Byren. And may I ask why I should call you Shadz?"

"It's my stage name for my band, you can call me Matt if you want to."

"Will you be mad if I call you Matt?"

"No, will you be mad if I asked you on a date?"

I was shocked. He was definitely confident and straight-forward. I took the chance to take a good look at him. He was smiling, causing dimples to grace his face, his eyes were this beautiful hazel color, and as I said before he was built, personally I wouldn't mind those muscles tightening around me.

I must have taken a long time doing this, because he spoke up, "Oh, I understand, we're from two totally different worlds."

"What? Oh, no! I'm sorry, I would love that actually."

"Really? You kind of scared me there for a second." HE laughed and I giggled. "Um, I guess we should exchange numbers?" I nodded and wrote his number in his palm and he wrote his in mine. "Well Alannah, I have to get to my locker."

I looked at him in question. "You're standing in front of it." The two of us laughed. We got our things and went to class. The rest of the day all I thought of was him. I was mesmerized.

"Miss O'byrne, I think that will be enough for today. See you tomorrow at the same time?" Dr. Vanderbilt asked.

"Yeah, same time tomorrow." I said, leaving the room. I walked down the hallway and into the dorms, I was moved a few days ago, away from the people who are just like I was six years ago. I was in the part that let you wonder freely, there were still guards, but there were no bars on the windows and the doors were not locked. I went to my room, ripped off my clothes, and sat on the cot. I eventually fell asleep. I'm actually surprised, because I want to go to therapy tomorrow.
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SO, tell me if you like it, I got this idea a little while ago, and thought it would make a good story.