You Are My Downfall, I Am Your Forgotten Face

Chapter Ten

The room went silent, Dr. Vanderbilt and I sat in the couch facing Matt in the single chair. He looked angry and confused.I drew a sharp breath and let it out. I looked at Dr. Vanderbilt and made eye contact with her.

"Do you think you could leave us alone?" I asked her.

She looked at me and shook her head. "I'm not really supposed to."

"Please?" I begged her.

"Oh, well, I'll be right outside the door. OK? And if I hear something I don't like, I'll be in here quicker than you can say why." I nodded my head and watched her walk out of the room.

"I can't believe that you are sitting right in front of me at this moment." Matt said, shaking his head.

"Me either. I was expecting something bad to happen."

"Why did you go suicidal Alannah?"

"Matt. I loved you. Actually I still do, but you left me. You promised Matt! You promised you would never leave me." I said looking at the ground.

"But, Alannah, I told your mom. She told me she'd tell you. And I did send letters, and I did call. But I never got a reply, and the number was disconnected."


"Yes, Al. I tried to tell you the day we were leaving, but your mom said you weren't home and that she would give yo the message."

"My mom. She wouldn't? She knows what that did to me!" I yelled. Dr. Vanderbilt burst into the room.

"What is going on in here!?!"

"M-my mom. It was all her fault. Matt had nothing to do with my insanity. M-my mom." I said crying.

I felt the couch shift and myself being pulled to a strong body, knowing who it was, I curled into them and sobbed like a baby. "Shhhh, Alannah. It'll be OK." His voice cooed, trying to calm me down.

"What is this!" I heard a high pitched wail from another woman. I looked up and saw the one that Matt called Abby. And boy was she pissed off.

"Sorry guys. We tried to get her to stop, but well that wasn't gonna happen." Zacky said pushing his way past Abby and into the room. "Al? What happened?" He asked running over to me and giving me another hug.

"It's, my m-mom." I blubbered like an idiot.

"Her mom?" He asked looking at Dr. Vanderbilt.

"Yes, apparently this whole thing is more involved than we thought."

The rest of the group entered the room and ran to me when they saw my state.

"What the fuck did you do to her Matt!?!" Ellie asked, upset.

Layla walked up to us, and went to Matt, slapping him in the face. "She hasn't even been around for one day and you already have her crying!"

"But..." I stopped Matt and looked at her.

"Lay, it's not his fault, but I don have something that I need to do now." I looked at Dr. Vanderbilt. "Could we stop at my mom's?"


"What the fuck is going on!?!?!" I heard that Abby bitch yell again.

Matt groaned and stood up. "Abby, shut up and leave. You can take your stuff out of my house tomorrow." He said, shoving her out the door.

"What! This bitch shows up and I'm out! Just like that!?!?!" She screamed, mad.

"Abby, to tell you the truth, I never loved you. And you know you never loved me. All you wanted was my money."

The Abby girl screamed at the top of her lungs and stomped down the hall, slamming a door shut behind her.

"Thank God! I was so sick of dealing with that bitch!" Jayce yelled, the whole group agreeing with her.

I looked up at Matt, confused. Matt looked athis our friends, and they left the room. I looked at Dr. Vanderbilt, and she left also.

"Matt you did..." He cut me off by connecting his lips to mine.

He pulled away and smiled, showing his gorgeous dimples. "I've missed that so much. I really thought that you didn't want me anymore." He said sadly.

"Yeah, me too. Hey, I wanna show you something quick." I reached into my shirt and took the chain with the ring on it, and showed it to him."

"You kept that?"

"Of course I did. Matt I never stopped loving you."

"I know that hurt you, but I'm not going to lie. I'm glad you didn't."

"Well, I say we pay a visit to my mother."

"Yeah, let's go." He said opening the door. The whole lot of us, my friends, Dr. Vanderbilt, and I went to my mothers. I guess Matt wasn't my downfall at all. My mother was.
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So, not what you expected?

well, i wanted them to be together, so yeah. I figured the sooner the better.