You Are My Downfall, I Am Your Forgotten Face

Chapter Eleven

We all pulled up to my childhood home. I took in a deep breath, all of the memories, both good and bad hitting me like a semi truck. Dr. Vanderbilt looked over at me skeptically.

"Alannah, are you OK?" She asked.

I looked over to her and smiled. "Yeah, actually, I feel pretty good." I said before stepping out of the car, being met by Matt, and walking towards the door. I knocked loudly and waited fro her to come to the door.

The door flung open, revealing my mom. She looked fine, the years aged her little, and she wore a smile on her face. "Alannah? What are you doing here?" Her eyes gazed over to Matt. "You!" She yelled. "You took my baby away from me!"

"Woah! Mom! Shut up!" She looked at me dumbfounded. "I know the truth. You lied to me mom."

She looked at the ground, "Just come in." She said, leading the way to the living room.

I sat in a love seat, Matt next to me and Dr. Vanderbilt on the arm on the chair on my side. She sat across from us, on the couch, alone. My friends stood around the room, placed in an awkward situation.

"Why?" I asked.

She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "You would never understand."

"Try me." I said looking at her dead in the eyes.

"Well, you are my baby."

"So, you drove me insane and put me in an insane asylum?"

She pulled herself back some. "No, I took that away from you." She said glaring at Matt like he was the plague, he just stared back.

"Mom, Matt was, and always will be the best thing to ever happen to me."

"No, he never will be."

"What are you talking about? If it weren't for Matt, I would have killed myself after dad died. Because of you taking him away from me, I almost died."

"Alannah, he is just trash from the other side of the tracks. And plus I didn't choose him."

"What did you just call him!?!" I yelled, trying to stand up even though Matt was holding me back. "Don't you ever talk about him like that again! And of course you didn't choose him!"

"Don't take that tone with me young lady!"

"I'm not a puppet mom! And I love him! I always have! Always will! Don't you understand that?"

"Love does not exist."

"Wait, where is this coming from?"

"Love it doesn't exist. If it did your father would have never left me."

I looked at Dr. Vanderbilt and sighed. "Mom, dad didn't leave you by choice. He died, he got stolen from you."

She looked at me, crying. "I-I know I just, I just didn't want you to get hurt like I did. They all leave sometime."

"Mom," I said standing up and sitting by her, "Everybody has to die sometime. It's the circle of life, like in Lion King. Simba's dad had to die, so did mine. It happens, you just have to believe that you will see him again one day and that he is in a better place."

She looked at me and sighed. "I'm so sorry sweety." She cried into my shoulder. "So, so sorry. You too Matt. I'm an awful person."

"No you aren't mom. You were just hurt." I said smiling at her.

"Dr. Vanderbilt, can I sign her out today?"

"Of course, but Mrs. O'Byrne. I would like to have a meeting with you tomorrow if you don't mind. Help you sort stuff out..

My mom nodded her head and we all left. I was finally getting out, but even better than that, I had my love back.
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so, i was in an updating mood today, thank god!

there will be one or two more chapter of this and then it will be done, no sequal, i don't think it needs one.

comments aould be nice though. ^_^