You Are My Downfall, I Am Your Forgotten Face

Chapter Three

"Hello Alannah. Well, you know the drill. Just start where you left off." Dr. Vanderbilt said from her chair in the middle of the room. I nodded as I lay myself down in the chair, recalling my next memory. It was when I met his friends, the day after our first date.

I stood in the center of the lunch-room, perplexed on what to do. I had no one to sit with because my friends, Ellie, Katie, Jacey, and Layla, had all gotten sick from each other, the flu or something like it. This left me alone, with no one to sit with. All the tables were full, so I went outside and sat under a tree. I began to eat my lunch, but a few minutes later my sunlight was blocked off by a looming figure. I smiled when I saw Matt looking at me with and eyebrow raised.

"What's a beautiful, young lady, like you doing sitting out here under a tree, alone, at lunch?"

"My friends are all sick." I replied with a shrug.

"Well, come sit with me and my friends."

"Oh, I don't want to intrude."

"You won't be. Besides, they'll love you."

"If you insist."

"I do." I stood up and brushed my ass off to make sure no grass was stuck to me. I bent down to get my tray, but Matt bet me to it and picked it up for me. "I'll carry it for you." He smiled, showing those dimples that could convince the devil to do good.

He led me to another area outside. He stopped at a table filled with guys, who I could tell were from West Huntington just like him. I will admit though, they were all very good looking boys. Matt cleared his throat and they all looked up at him. They then looked at me, question in their eyes.

"Who's this?" asked a boy with snake-bites and his septum done.

"Well guys, this is Alannah. She's gonna sit with us today." He said sitting down and patting the stop next to him. I sat and looked at the boys. They all smiled at me before introducing themselves.

"Hi, Brian Haner." Said a boy with the right side of his nose pierced and well-defined cheekbones, as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I took it in my own hand.

"Zack Baker, call me Vengeance," said the boy with the snake-bites with a laugh as he took my hand in his, "or Zacky, if you prefer."

"Name's Johnny," he was interrupted by the other four yelling 'Short-Shit!', "oh, haha guys. Like I was saying, name's Johnny Seward." Said the shortest of the group with a smile. He didn't stick his hand out for me to shake though, because he was furthest from me.

The tallest one looked at me with a smile. "Legal name, James Sullivan, but call me, Jim, Jimmy, or Rev."

"Well, it's nice to meet you all. Name's Alannah O'Byrne."

Brian laughed, "Figures Shadz would find another Irishman."

"Hey! Not my fault that I found someone that shares a heritage of drinking green beer!" Matt yelled as I laughed.

"So, where are your friends, I always see you in the hall with four other girls. Where are they?" Jimmy asked.

"They all got sick, flu."

"Oh, well, looks like you're siting with us for a while. Hope you don't mind, because you have no say in the matter." Brian said with a smile.

"That's fine by me."

"Actually, can you tell me about the girl you hang out with, with purple and brown hair?" Jimmy asked, leaning his elbows on the table.

I laughed and told him about Katie. The rest of the guys asked about my friends; Zack about Jacey, Johnny about Layla, and Brian about Ellie. I thought it was funny, I'm definitely gonna have to do some match-making.

The bell rang to end lunch, so we all went our separate ways to our lockers. Matt walked with me, since his was right next to mine.


"Yeah Matt?"

"Um, do you wanna go on another date on Saturday? I would love for you to hear my band."

I smiled at him, "Of course Matt. I'd love to go on another date with you."

I sat in my room an hour later. I was thinking. Matt, was my first and only love. I don't think I'll ever love another. I just wish he told me where he was going, then maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have gone insane. My mother told me that he never stopped by, called, wrote. I just wish that he cared enough to tell me. I'm gonna find him again. I want to know him, I want him to love me. The last one might not happen, but as long as we know each other again, I'll be alright.
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Sorry it took so long to update, school and my life have been hectic and it's hard to get time to type anything but my essay's.
