You Are My Downfall, I Am Your Forgotten Face

Chapter Four

"Ok, so I'll start with the first band practice I ever went to with Matt." I told Dr. Vanderbilt who only nodded her head while staring at me intently.

"Hi Matt." I said jumping into the car and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Hello Alannah. Ready to see something that'll get your adrenaline pumping?"

"Yeah." I said while thinking that looking at him was enough to do that already.

We drove for a while. The streets became dirty and more shady people began to crowd them. I was never allowed to go in the West Huntington are. My parents said I'd get shot. Actually, they don't know that Matt's from West. And they definitely don't know that's where I'm at now. If they did they'd probably kill me.

I must have been lost from my thoughts because Matt said, "Alannah, we're here. You OK?"

"Yeah, just lost in thought."

"Oh, OK. Well follow me." He said getting out of the car and walking towards the nicest house on the block. He went up to the garage and hit a button, causing the garage door to open and reveal all of the guys.

I've gotten closer to the guys this past week. Sitting with them at lunch and bumming a ride when Matt had basketball. I've learned about all the idiosyncrasies that make them, them. Jimmy and Zacky have the cutest lisps I've ever heard. Brain makes himself seem like a badass, but he's really only a big teddy bear in disguise. Johnny may be small and the guys may bust him a lot, but he can hold his own and dish it right back when he wants to. They've also all become very protective of me. Whenever they see me walking by myself, they run over and walk next to me. They also help me in fights, which have become a frequent occurrence since I met them. Let's say there are a lot of jealous girls that I hang out with these guys, because let's face it, they're hot. And it's also reciprocated on my behalf. I never thought myself pretty, but ever since I started hanging with the guys, boys look at me more. So, whenever one of these guys comes near me, one of the boys takes evasive action, they're my creep repellant.

I was brought back to earth by a chorus of 'Hey Alannah'.

"Hey guys!" I said waving to them.

Matt lead me to a couch and to me to sit. "Be prepared to have your mind blown away." HE said before going and grabbing a microphone. "This one is called Lips of Deceit."

They began to play and a smile spread across my face. They were really talented. And I could listen to Matt all day long if I could. I can't believe they can play this well so young, but damn, they're good.

They stopped playing and I jumped up off the couch and ran to Matt. I jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "You guys are amazing!"

"Then why don't we get love too?" Jimmy asked from behind his kit.

I jumped off Matt and landed in Jimmy's lap. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then ran to all of the guys, planting kisses on their cheeks also. I ran back to Matt and kissed him on the lips. I heard some groans and then shuffling of feet.

"Come get us when you two are done sucking face!" Zacky yelled as he left, causing me to laugh.

Matt set me on the couch as I laid down. Matt strattled my waist as our tongues fought for dominance, Matt eventually winning this round. I must say for a first real kiss, this one was pretty heated. We broke apart fifteen minutes later, out of breath.

"Well, you should probably go get the guys so you can practice again."



"Because they're standing right there." Matt said nodding his head in the direction above my own head. I looked backwards and there were the guys.

"How long have you been there?"

"About five minutes." Johnny said with a shrug.

"Well Shadz, get up. We've gotta' practice." Jimmy said tugging Matt off me and towards the set. I giggled as Matt groaned.

The practice lasted for about an hour. Matt took me home after that, and my parents never knew about me being in West Huntington.

I looked up a Dr. Vanderbilt who only nodded. I got up and left the room to go to the confines of my own bedroom. One day, I'll here them play again.
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Sorry it's short. :(
but, an update is an update is an update. Right? ^__^