What Do You Expect Me To Do, Elf Boy?!

Chapter Four

To tell you the truth, I had lost m appetite. I was not one for trying new foods, let alone one with purple spikes. The spiked orange looked scarier by the minute. Michael looked stressed as I slowly reached toward one of the fruits that didn’t look like it would eat me if I didn’t get to it first. The spikes I defiantly avoided. Instead, I grabbed the apple/mango thing. To peel or not to peel, that is the question.

“Um... Michael, how do I eat this?”

“Just bite into it like an apple.”

Slowly I took a small bit e of the fruit. Juices flooded my mouth. This was the best thing I had ever tasted.

“Oh My GOD!! This is the best thing I have ever tasted! What is it?”

“It’s an Goldy*.” He said with a smile. “It sort of a delicacy here.”

“Where is here exactly?” I said while taking another bite of fruit.

“I already told you. We’re in Faeria. My father will explain everything. I don’t have the authority. For the time being you are to stay in my room, until yours is ready, which should be any time now.” I had a feeling he told me as little as possible. Even after his sad excuse for an explanation, I still was mad at him for not telling me. Who cares if he didn’t have the authority? I was pissed and there was no calming me down. First I was kidnapped, and held against my will, and now no one is telling me anything... This day was getting worse by the minute...
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I have three subscribers and only one commenter?!?!?!? Whats up with that??? PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need the human contact!!!!!!!!!!! Oh by the way the * is subject to change. I need a good name for the fruit that Lizzy liked. The more random, the better.

Love ya all,

P.S. This chapter is all thanks to frankIEroismyhero... she really wanted an update!!!!