Status: Completed. Awaiting sequel.

Keep the Closet Door Closed

Jasper, the Ghost


"What's your name?" he asked me, suddenly. I was half asleep on the bed, somehow forgetting he even existed. I jumped at the sound of his voice and yawned. "Bones." I replied and crawled under the covers. It didn't really bother me that someone was in the room while I slept. I'd been locked in the detention dorms at Saint Mary's multiple times.

"Bones? Why?" he asked. Groaning, I sat up on the bed, giving up on sleep. "Why? I don't freaking know. My last name is Bone. Yeah, go ahead and laugh the way you perverted boys laugh. Annabelle Bone. ha ha." I growled, deprived of sleep.

"Why are you so damn menstrual? I'm just trying to strike up a conversation and you are going Hitler on me." he replied, frustrated with me. I'll admit, I'm completely off my rocker right now. I am sleep deprived and he won't let me sleep, wouldn't you be a little angry?

I sighed and glared over at him. "Sorry." I muttered. "But I want to sleep. I mean, you won't shut up. Please, shut up." I threw the blankets over me again and closed my eyes. See, I can be nice on the occasion.

Then, it really sunk in. What in the hell? There is a freaking ghost in my dorm room! My head shot up and I let out an unwanted squeak. He laughed at my expression. "I thought you were taking it extremely well." he replied. "But there isn't really anything either of us can do about it."

My eyes were wide for a moment before I squinted them at him, skeptically. "So, no one else can see you?" I asked. He nodded and shrugged. "No one but you. That's pretty odd, isn't it? What is it about you?" he asked. If only I knew.

"I'm Jasper, by the way. But you can call me Nose." he said, mocking my nick name. I glared at him again and he laughed. This infuriated me because most people were terrified of my glare. I suppose when you are dead there isn't much left to fear.

"Why are you so obnoxious? Do you enjoy pissing people off? I could so get myself kicked out of this school and you'd be alone again or stuck with some chick who enjoys yodeling to the oldies in her undies. Would you like that?" I hissed.

He shook his head, laughing. "Has it ever crossed your mind that it isn't me? Think about it, I am sure you are the kind of girl who is angered by everyone you meet. Its not that we're all annoying. You are just easily pissed off." he replied.

"Maybe you all just give me a reason to be pissed off." I growled, laying back down on the bed. A ghost is taunting me. Sweet.

"Its better to be pissed off than pissed on." he said in a sing-song voice.

"Ha. Pee pun." I said in a sarcastically excited voice and closed my eyes to sleep. Maybe when I wake up, he'll be gone. Maybe its just wishful thinking.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to Jasper saying, "Wake up or you'll be late." I opened one eye and reached up to hit him but failed. He just laughed as I swung my hands in the air aimlessly. "Consider me your alarm clock." he said. "Consider me not an early riser." I muttered into my pillow.

"Oh, come on. Its only 6. You have an hour." he said. Reluctantly, I got up, grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom to shower. "If I find out you saw me naked, It'll be the last thing you see." I called from the bathroom before entering the shower.

I brushed my teeth, put on my eye liner and left the room with no sign of Jasper. Maybe I'm just insane and made him up. I seriously need a boyfriend.