Status: Completed. Awaiting sequel.

Keep the Closet Door Closed

The Taste; The Touch


It has been a week since I've been able to breathe that London air. I'm only allowed to work in this building, surrounded by unbearable teenagers with erectile dysfunction of a curiosity as to why their cameltoes kept freaking bleeding- because, apparently, the kids here are unaware of STD's- or only a few feet away from the overly-friendly, pain in the ass ghost in my dorm room.

Naturally, I wanted out. I woke up with every intention on getting kicked out but, then, it happened. He touched me.

He was never able to touch me before- definitely not when I tried to punch him- but when I woke up, I felt cold, soft fingers gliding down the bare parts of my skin. I looked over, exhausted, to see his boy features in awe. I was too tired to notice that it was a huge event for him or that it should have been weird for me and, instead, mumbled, "Stalker." and relaxed into his touch.

His look of awe became a wide grin as if he'd just realized what he was doing and, when he did, I finally did. I jumped from his grip and shrieked, "You can touch me!" at the same time he yelled, "I can touch you!" He began pressing his fingers to my skin and whispering over and over again, "I can touch you.. I can touch you.."

For whatever reason, I let him continue to touch me. He pressed my hands to his lips and his lips to my neck- not like a kiss, really, but just a way to feel even more what it was like to be alive. Why didn't I stop him? Why hadn't I stopped Anthony when his lips got too close? Am I losing my self-control?

"W-Why is-" I began, unsure my words would find themselves from my lips. They did, only in a voice I didn't recognize. Raspy and weak, my question hung in the air, unfinished. Reluctantly, Jasper pulled his cold lips from my throat and replied, "I have no idea." Then, I saw his eyes wander over my body, longing to touch me again.

I rolled my eyes and gave in. I mean, it had been an extremely long time since he could feel human warmth. Hesitantly, I reached over to his hand and dragged his fingers over my cheek. He gave me a grateful smile and began to caress my face. "I know this is really weird for you.." he whispered. He was right. "But thank you for doing this for me. I still haven't figured you out. Why is it you that I can touch? Are you.. into ghosts or something?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I've seen the poltergeist and that's about it." I mumbled. He smiled and leaned his face to mine, causing my breathing to speed up. I think, unconsciously, I had to be in love with him. How else could he have such an effect on me? Suddenly, I was unable to breathe. His lips ran down the side of my throat and, when he reached down as far as my shirt would let him, his tongue ran through his lips and back up my neck.

I should have pulled away. I should have punched him for thinking he could kiss me. But I couldn't. I didn't. In fact, my body ached for it. My whispers encouraged the kissing and more- and he obliged. I lost my virginity to a dead boy.