Status: Hiatus.

You're So Last Summer


“Ok if you guys are really staying her we need to set some ground rules.” I said finally after listening to them all gloat about past pranks. “So first rule, there will be no pranks in my apartment.” I heard a chorus of groans as I sat myself on the counter.

“Rule number two, I am the ruler of the remote if I choose to be. Rule number three, well this is less of a rule, but there are two bathrooms. The one in my room can only be used if you ask, because for gods sakes people you wouldn’t want people in your room all the time either. Rule four; everyone must bath at least every other day. I do not need occupants in my house to stink like you do now, no offense.” I took a deep breath and continued. “I have food, and you are all welcomed to everything but if anybody touches my Jellybeans there will be hell to pay.”

“God Lane you’re still obsessed with those Jellybeans!” Brian complained. I shot him a dirty look. “Sorry.” He laughed.

“So how are we going to do this?” I asked. They gave me blank looks. “Sleeping arrangements, I mean.”

“Well we have the two twin beds in the guest room for Ray and Bob, I have two twin beds in my room for Frank and I, Mikey is on the couch because he snores like crazy and Gerard and you in the twin beds in your room. Done.” Brian decided and smiled in the ‘I’m not changing anything so don’t even ask’ kind of way.

“Um, a bit of a problem. I traded my twin beds for a queen size.” I sighed. “What about the old cot, Bry? You can sleep on that.” I was definitely not giving up my bed because of his poor planning. He shook his head.

“It broke after Todd stayed here that one time.” He said. “Well I guess we can take turns on the floor.” I looked at him as if he was insane.

“Brian we don’t have carpet. I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy a sleep on these floors.” I complained. He sighed, obviously frustrated. “And no offense to any of you but I’m not giving up my bed. It’s a sleep number.”

“Well than I guess Gerard’s going to have to sleep in your bed huh?” Brian decided. I stared at him like he was insane. Which he was. Insane, I mean.

“What?!” I yelled. “No I mean, there has to be something else we can do. I mean no offense but, no.” I guess that was a little mean, but what was I supposed to say? I just met the dude and we were already gonna sleep together.

“It’s ok Brian, I can sleep on the floor,” Gerard spoke up. I turned my head to him and saw the uncomfortable look on his face. I probably insulted him or something.

“No, She’s right nobody should sleep on this floor. I had to once and was sore for weeks.” Brian argued. “I guess you can sleep in a chair?” I sighed.

“No dice for that either. I still have a kink in my neck from that. I guess, if your ok with it that is, you can sleep in my bed with me tonight and I can stay at Rachie’s for a week after that.” I offered, looking up into his eyes. He smiled and nodded. Brian sighed in relief.

“I don’t like this idea at all either, but it will have to do for now.” He stood up and yawned. “Well it was a long flight. Time for bed.” He turned to leave, but as a second thought he turned and pointed at Gerard. “Way, you touch my sister your dead. Clear?”

“Crystal.” Gerard smirked, turning to wink at me when Brian turned back at me. I rolled my eyes and jumped off the counter.

“So anybody up for a movie?” I asked brightly.
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I'm sorry it's been such a wait, but I've just gotten everything on track. Check out my new story Reckless. I'll love you forever <3