Status: Hiatus.

You're So Last Summer


I was awake and staring at ceiling when my alarm went off signaling me to get up. I wanted to throw it acrossed the room. There was nothing more annoying then the sound of that stupid beeping alarm.

I quickly shut it off, hoping not to wake up Gerard in the process. I glanced over at his sleeping form and smiled to myself, happy that I had succeeded in my mission. I walked out to my coffee maker, which was programmed to have the coffee ready for me when I woke up, and poured myself a cup.

Mornings were always seriously slow for me, because of the fact that I hated them, and they were evn worse when I had six extra peple in my house to worry about not waking up, especially the one currently in my bed.

By the time that I had showed, dressed, and applied my make-up, I starred worriedly at my blowdrier. I didn't want to risk waking everyone up, but I couldn't let my hair air-dry. It got weird flippy's all over and was just plain ugly that way.

When I finished my hair, curling the tips to have it match with the look I had been going for today, I walked out into the kitchen and saw Mikey sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I woke you, I have to leave for work in a few minutes," I apologised sitting down next to him at the table. He smiled and shook his head.

"No, I had a phone call from Alicia. I'll probably be leaving soon to spend some time with her," He studied his cup while I studied him. I could tell he missed her a lot.

"Well, Maybe she can come here?" I suggested. "We'd have to kick out somebody though. Hmm, lets make sure it's Brian and not me, ok?" I laughed. I heard feet shuffling behind me and saw Gerard going straight to the coffe, looking like he was dead on his feet. I stiffled my giggle. I had to leave soon but part of me wanted to stay home today. Which was completely odd for me, since I had never missed a day of work in my life.

We chatted for a few more minutes, but when i glanced at the clock I knew it was time to leave. I grabbed my purse, my car keys, said my goodbyes, and headed out the door.

My car, which was probably the greatest car in the world, was a bright red Beetle with a convertable roof. I love it to death. It was seriously the greatest car on earth. I named him Wilber. Thats rad.

So the drive to work isn't that long, like five minutes, but it gives me a few minutes to think about everything and have the quiet time that I missed this morning. And talk to myself, which was always a fun sign of my insanity.

The office was alway buzzing with activity, and I enjoyed that a lot more then my quiet time with Wilbur. I waved at the people who weren't busy, like Tom and suzy and Carol, and smiled at the few peple I didn't know.

I reached my cubical and looked longingly at the doors to the offices that I wanted so desperataly. Rachie stuck her head up from her cubbie next to mine and beamed.

"So... anything interesting happen last night?" She asked raising her eyebrows in the way that totally told me she knew something i didn't.

"You knew they were coming and you didn't tell me?" I accused. She smiled and laughed at me.

"It was a suprise! calm down! You get Gerard Way in your bed, be happy!" I had no idea how she figured that out, but she's Rachie and she probably knows more about everything then Perez Hilton, and he's the Queen of Media. Rachie runs the gossip colum.

"Who has Gerard Way in their bed?" Chris asked walked over to us. I rolled my eyes and put my purse in a drawer, then grabbed my notebook and planner. We had a meeting in about five minutes and I didn't want to be late.

"Come on, you losers, we have a meeting to go to," I grumbled as they followed me and Rachie told hime verything that was going on in my lovely life. Chris was a managing editor and we went to high school together. I met Rachie sophomore year of College. We were all pretty close.

We walked to the otherside of the building where the meeting was being held and I had gotten a little nervous. I always got nervous around the my boss because I wanted to not screw up so badly I always did. I just wanted that promotion and office and editiors job so much, I couldn't help it.

We all sat down and I listened to everyones chatter until the chief came in. He was a pretty intimidating guy, to be honest. He scared me.

"Ok, how was everyones weekend? Anything exciting happen?" I heard Rachie alughing behing me as she waited for quiet to speak. I fet the cold chill of nervousness fill me.

"Well Bill, Layna has a rockstar in her house. Five of them actually. My Chemical Romance." She smiled proudly at me. My eyes widened and I shook my head frantically.

He looked at me with his beedy eyes like he was going to eat me. He probably would have actually. That's even scarrier.

"So Layna... About that promotion," And I instantly wanted to die.
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Sorry if there are a bunch of spelling mistakes, I wrote it in the chapter thingy cuz I was in a hurry.

enjoy lovies.