Status: Hiatus.

You're So Last Summer


[there’s been a little confusion. She hasn’t got a promotion, he’s basically telling her to write an article about falling in love with Gerard Way or shes fired.]

“I’m not doing this!” I yelled in frustration for the fourth time. I was certain that Bill would just slam his office door in my face. Instead he turned around with a remorseful expression.

“Layna, do you know how I got here?” He asked. I frowned, not understanding his question.

“Well, you took your car from your house, then walked up the stairs because your wife told you to lay off the doughnuts and your not, then you yelled at some people, then walked to the meeting room-”

“Shut up,” He said laughing. “Smart ass. I ment how I became so high up in my work? Because I took risks and I didn’t care who I let down to get where I am. And I’ve gotten all five of my kids through college with any loans. Don’t you want that?” I nodded slowly.

“I just don’t want to lose the only people I have in the process,” I explained. He looked at me oddly.

“Sometimes, you have to choose between success or family. Sometimes you have to put yourself first. You’ve never had a problem with that before, why are you starting now?” He turned around to walk away. “Take some time off, Layna. Work on this. You don’t have to worry about anything else for a while.” I sighed and stomped off.

“I’m sorry!” Rachie squeaked. I sighed and nodded.

“I know, you didn’t mean to, it’s ok.” I sat on her and gave her a hug. “I have to do this. I have no choice.”

“I know,” She said sadly. She brightened up. “But I’ll help! Tommy said he has to go to a premiere tonight, but he won’t be able to make it! You can take Gerard! It’s that new scary movie, I forgot what it’s called.” I thought it over, chewing the inside of my cheek.

“Ok,” I finally said. “I guess that’ll work.” She handed me the tickets and smiled.

“Go tell Bill and get going!” She yelled slapping my ass. I laughed and went to his office to take advantage of my sudden time off.


I let myself into my apartment and gasped. It was a totally mess. “What the hell?” I muttered, walking into the kitchen to see Frank and Mikey scrubbing the stove. I cleared my throat and they turned around, shocked to see me. They were speechless.

I leaned against the table and crossed my arms. “Explain,” I growled. They gulped and looked at each other. “Now.”

“It’s all Mikey’s fault!” Frank squealed. Mikey looked flabbergasted.

“I- he- we…. You look nice today,” He smiled flirtatiously. I raised my eyebrows. Frank checked me out.

“Oh yeah, sooo much better then last night. You’ve got awesome legs,” He commented. I frowned and wrinkled my nose, opening the fridge and grabbing a strawberry flavored water.

“Aren’t two married?” I laughed, then took a sip of my water. I sighed and looked around the kitchen.

“Ew not to each other!” Frank cried dramatically, flinging himself away from Mikey. “I like girls, thank you very much.” Mikey snorted.

“Really? Because that’s not what you told my brother.” He said laughing. I bit my lip to keep my giggles from escaping.

“Speaking of brothers,” I started, trying to advert from the future world war three happening in my kitchen. “Where the hell is mine, and the rest of them?”

“Oh they had something to take care of,” Frank replied mysteriously, I rolled my eyes and sighed again, pointing at them.

“Clean this up, or you are dead.” I muttered walking to my room to change out of my clothes.

I love being in style and everything, but sometimes I just wanted to put on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I quickly changed my clothes and felt better. I glanced at my bag, seeing the tickets inside and smiled. Maybe this would be easier then I thought.

I pulled my hair up into a clip and sighed, briefly glancing in the mirror. I had a lot of cleaning to do. I walked quietly out of my room and into the now spotless kitchen and my jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe that they had cleaned it so fast.

I wandered out into the living room, which had been a mess before as well. Spotless. “Mikey? Frank?” I called. I heard a muffled reply in the other room and followed the sound. They were laying side by side on the bed with red faces and trying to catch your breath. “Have you two been making out or something?” I laughed.

Mikey sent me a glare and I shut up. “We just cleaned your house. Be nice.” I smiled but didn’t point out that they had made the mess in the first place.

“You did not do that by yourself in like three minutes,” I argued, crossing my arms.

“Of course they didn’t,” Somebody said from behind me. I watched Frank jump up and frown.

“You weren’t supposed to tell her that, Gerard.” He whined. I turned my head to look at him and smiled.

“Well thank you for helping these messy people clean my house,” I laughed. “Although I’m sure all six of you had something to do with it.”

“I like your pants, Layna,” Frank smirked. I huffed.

“Will you stop talking about me and my legs, you pervert?” I laughed. He opened his mouth to protest, but I spoke first. “Don’t start something you won’t be able to finish, Frankie.” He shut his mouth. I laughed again and turned around to walk out of the room.

“I really do think their cool pants!” Frank blurted. “Don’t you think so Gerard? Look at them?” So all three of them came to inspect my amazingly awesome pants. They really were, I was happy that I found the black skinny jeans with skeleton hands on the back pocket.

“Yes, yes we get I have amazing pants,” I snapped pushing them away from my ass. I was starting to get a little claustrophobic. “And if I ever see them on your asses I will beat you to a bloody pulp. Don’t think I don’t know about your little magic tricks and stealing people’s pants. Yes, I’m talking to you too Mikey.”

I smirked and walked out of the room, planning on emailing Alicia again later to that her for the warning.
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in honor of Lost tonight!!!! so excited!!! so yeah ive been meaning to get this out for days. sorryyyy.