In Second Place to Get A Second Chance


Kasey Dawson had a lot of tolerance, she had a lot of patience but not where Alex Gaskarth was concerned. Her patience often ran short with Alex around and it’d been that way since her freshman year of high school. She had absolutely no idea how her brother tolerated him for long periods of time, so when Kasey’s mother suggested she head on tour with All Time Low she nearly died of laughter.

“You must be joking,” Kasey said staring at her mother.

“I’m not. I think you need to get out of the house and it won’t kill you to spend a month on tour with your brother,” Mrs. Dawson replied as she bustled around the kitchen cooking dinner.

“It’s not Robert I’m worried about Mom,” Kasey grumbled.

“Alex isn’t that bad Kasey,” Rian said, “and can you not refer to me as Robert?”

Kasey snorted, “Do you honestly want to be short a guitarist and singer?”

“Kase we need a guitar tech for this tour!”

“Have Matt do it like every other tour you’ve been on Rian! I’m not doing it!” Kasey yelled before slamming her chair back into the wall behind her and stomping up the stairs.

A week later Kasey was reluctantly standing at the side of the road with her brother waiting for the van they’d be stuck in for a month to come pick them up. It hadn’t been Rian to convince her to even come, if Matt hadn’t called and begged she wouldn’t be in this position.

“I hate you,” Kasey said as soon as Matt glanced at her.

“I already told Alex to give you a wide birth,” Matt replied.

“Please tell me when that has ever meant anything to Gaskarth?” she asked raising an eyebrow at him as she threw her clothes in the back of the van.

“Just because I have music on doesn’t mean I’m fucking deaf Dawson!” Alex snapped turning in his seat to glare at her.

“Fuck you Gaskarth,” Kasey snapped back before slamming the back of the van shut. Kasey sat in the middle seats beside Jack who grinned at her widely before going back to playing his Nintendo DS. She sighed before shutting the door as they headed off towards Pennsylvania. The ride was spent quietly, which was highly unusual for All Time Low. Alex and Kasey spent a majority of their time sending death glares at each other every ten minutes without saying a word.

The band arrived at the venue and immediately got out quickly still hardly voicing anything at all. Two hours of sorting equipment later Kasey was standing on stage tuning one of Alex’s guitars, which he apparently didn’t know about until that day.

“I don’t want her touching my shit!” Alex yelled angrily.

“Oh for God’s sake Gaskarth, do you honestly think I’m going to sabotage your guitar?” Kasey snapped rolling her eyes before continuing with what she was doing.

“Alex she’s getting paid to be here. I really doubt she’s going to break anything,” Matt said to the singer as he rolled his eyes.

Kasey sighed heavily before checking the sound of Alex’s distortion pedals and deciding to bite her tongue on the subject. She felt Alex’s eyes on her the entire time she stood there running though the sound check before she practically threw the guitar at him.

“Check it your fucking self asshole if you’re so God damn paranoid,” she snapped before angrily storming out of the room.

“What’s with Kasey?” Rian asked as he entered the room.

“Alex has decided to be asshole wonder today,” Matt replied bitterly, “I’m going to find her.”

Rian rolled his eyes, he knew this was coming but he really honestly had no idea it would get so bad so fast between Alex and Kasey, and this was only the first day of the tour.
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