In Second Place to Get A Second Chance


The show went about as smoothly as a hurricane; Alex was pissed off with just about everyone. Kasey was sure the crowd could tell simply by the fact that there was no witty banter going on between Alex and Jack that night. Every time Kasey handed a guitar Alex he nearly threw the one in his hands at her, something she definitely wasn’t going to let him get away with after the show.

As soon as Alex walked off stage Kasey had him cornered in a room off to the side before anyone could object.

“Your shitty attitude isn’t helping you out Gaskarth. I’m sure ninety percent of your fans knew you were in a dick head mood tonight, even the fucking idiots in skirts knew. And the next time you throw your fucking guitar at me, my foot is going to meet your crotch at a fairly high speed,” Kasey said coldly before turning to leave.

“I can’t believe you still hold this fucking retarded grudge against me,” Alex said bitterly.

Retarded grudge? Really Alex?” she replied, her anger she was sure was quite evident; “Taking advantage of me at the age of fourteen is really a stupid reason to hate you isn’t it?”

Alex stared at her for a second looking as if he was contemplating a reply or not. Of course being Alex he’d never back down from a fight even if it was with his band mate’s younger sister.

“You were more than willing and you know it.”

“I was drunk Alex. You could’ve told me to jump off a bridge that night and I’m sure I would’ve,” Kasey yelled loudly.

“It’s too bad I didn’t,” he replied his face inches from hers before he left the room. The night they spent driving in the van didn’t prove to be any better than earlier in the day. Alex and Kasey fought almost the entire time and by the time they got to their hotel neither would even look at each other.

Kasey spent the remainder of the night lying on the couch staring at the ceiling drowning out any noise coming from the guys with her iPod. Her cell phone was clutched tightly in her hand but she really didn’t feel like talking to anyone at the moment. She finally drifted to sleep and was awoken what seemed like ten minutes later by Matt who kept insisting that they need to leave for the venue.

“I hate you Flyzik,” Kasey grumbled sitting up and running a hand through her hair while yawning.

“Mhm, I believe that,” Matt replied sarcastically before heading to wake up everyone else. Kasey quickly grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom, despite the fact that she knew this was one of the few showers she’d get on tour she didn’t bother with one. She quickly changed into clean clothes before exiting the bathroom after peeing and brushing her teeth.

Alex sneered at her as he passed her in the small hallway where the bathroom was located making sure to piss her off by ‘accidentally’ pushing her into the wall with his shoulder. It took all her will power not to bite his head off so early in the morning but she ignored him and headed outside. Kasey enjoyed the silence while it lasted, which wasn’t long only forty-five minutes, much to her dismay Alex was the first and only person to reach the van. His hair was still damp suggesting that he’d obviously showered; he didn’t look at her as he shoved his clothes into his suitcase.

They stood there in silence for a few minutes, neither looking at the other’s face until Alex spoke words that Kasey never thought she’d hear.

“I’m sorry,” Alex said so quietly that at first Kasey honestly wasn’t sure if she’d heard him properly, “No one forced me to apologize either. I’m sorry, for everything.”

Kasey nodded as a sign that she’d heard him but kept quiet otherwise.
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this is short now that i look at it, but whatever...i'm working on an update to the craig story.
