In Second Place to Get A Second Chance


The day was slightly awkward, everyone, especially All Time Low and the rest of their crew, were wondering where the constant fighting between Kasey and Alex had gone. They barely looked in each other’s direction let alone talked for a good portion of the day other than Kasey telling Alex to plug in his pedal board.

The show went by considerably better than the day before, Alex and Jack exchanged witty banter on stage and the band didn’t seem quite as tense as the night before. Kasey was the last person to the van that night, Matt yelled at her for being late for van call but her mind didn’t register anything that he’d said.

The van was quiet that night, much to Matt’s surprise and probably delight, he wasn’t used to driving in silence other than the radio playing. Kasey stared at her cell phone for a good two hours before sighing and taking a glance back at Alex who was still awake staring out the window.

As much as I’m going to regret this later - I accept your damn apology.

She heard Alex’s cell phone buzz and him tapping keys to read the message. He snorted slightly before more keys were heard tapping.

Thanks. Can we talk tomorrow? Like…alone?

Kasey’s eyes scanned the screen of her cell phone before sighing heavily wondering if she’d regret this too.

I guess – you’d better not make me regret this.

I won’t, promise.

Alex’s promise was empty in Kasey’s mind but she left their conversation at that and leaned her head against Jack’s shoulder, which wasn’t very comfortable. He smiled silently at her throwing his arm around her shoulders in a slightly subconscious way, he was half asleep himself. She grabbed a blanket from the floor of the van pulling it over her and Jack. Kasey fell asleep soon after listening to Jack’s steady breathing while still curled into his side.

The next morning Kasey awoke to Jack’s cell phone ringing beside her ear from his hoodie pocket, she sighed pulling it out of the still unconscious boy’s pocket and answering it as soon as she realized it was his mother. After promising Mrs. Barakat three times that she’d have Jack call as soon as he was awake she hung up the phone and attempted to settle back into slumber. It was too bad that Matt was already awake and as soon as he noticed Kasey was dragged her out of the van to help him with his tour manager duties.

“So…you and Alex were quiet last night,” Matt said.

“Don’t ask, I’m not going to tell you anyways Flyzik,” Kasey replied flattening her blond bangs against her forehead.

“Have you told anyone why you and Alex hate each other?” he asked.

“Yes, but I’m not telling you who. They’re sworn to secrecy anyways. Don’t bother asking Alex either,” she said, it sounded slightly bitchy she was sure. He brushed it off as her usual morning mood as she knew he would.

There were about ten girls in line already waiting for the show and it was only a little after ten. A few grinned at Matt as they passed; he was either used to it or ignored people fairly well.

“You know, I’ve never known a tour manger with just as many fans as the fucking band they manage,” Kasey remarked.


“I’ve never seen so many under-aged girls rape a tour manager with their eyes.”

“I’m hot what can I say?” he grinned.

“You hang out with Gaskarth way too much,” Kasey replied before turning and leaving the building.
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