In Second Place to Get A Second Chance


Kasey arrived back at the trailer to grab another piece of Rian’s drum set to find Alex sitting in the trailer on top of it. He had a box of granola bars in his lap and was eating what seemed to be his third one of the morning.

“Can I help you?” she asked grabbing something else that wasn’t currently being sat on.

“I believe you said we could talk today,” Alex said smoothly. He was a charmer, always had been and Kasey knew that too well.

“I believe I have a job to do before I’m going anywhere. I’m not getting killed my Matt for ditching him,” Kasey replied before leaving the trailer once more without letting Alex reply.

Alex waited somewhat patiently in the trailer for another forty-five minutes before Kasey finally got fed up with him and told Matt she was going for coffee.

“Let’s go retard,” Kasey said to Alex while shoving her hands into the pockets of her brown pea coat. Alex grinned before jumping down from the box he was sitting on, leaving the granola bar wrappers on the floor of the trailer.

“I see your name calling hasn’t changed,” Alex commented.

“I said I accepted your apology, I didn’t say I actually liked you,” Kasey replied kicking a pile of snow as she walked past it.

He grinned, “That’s a start!” She glanced up at him long enough to glare at him before returning her sight to the sidewalk in front of her.

“Any idea where a Starbucks is?” Kasey asked.

“I thought you lied to him…”

“I did idiot, then he asked me to bring him back something,” she replied, “All because you couldn’t wait another half hour.”

After twenty minutes they found a Starbucks and decided just to sit and have coffee since they were already away from the venue and it was rather cold outside. Alex and Kasey sat in silence for nearly half an hour just staring into their coffee cups.

“I did mean it you know,” Alex said glancing up at her.

Kasey looked at him chewing on her lip, “sometimes it’s hard to tell whether your serious or not.”

Alex nodded, “You were right though.”

Kasey shrugged, “it doesn’t really matter anymore.”

“Yes it does, you still hate me for it Kasey,” Alex insisted.

“Maybe so, but at least I’ll hate you without biting your head off every five seconds,” she replied. She saw the unimpressed look on his face and rolled her eyes, “but if you really want we can try and be friends.”

“NO SYKE?!” Alex yelled loudly causing the entire store to look at him.

“Alex, I can reconsider this you know.”

“Oh. We are going to be BFF’s by the end of this tour Miss. Dawson,” Alex said with a grin before grabbing her by the arm and dragging her out of the coffee shop.
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i've had this chapter written for a long time; i'm still not really sure why i never posted it.
oh well; its up now!