In Second Place to Get A Second Chance


To say Rian Dawson was confused when he saw Alex and his younger sister walking towards the venue laughing was probably the biggest understatement in the world. Kasey was still shaking her head when they arrived at the van, Alex had somehow managed to con some girl into her number in a matter of seconds and he wasn’t even remotely interested in the poor girl.

“You’re such an ass Alex, honestly. I think she nearly hyperventilated,” Kasey said.

“You shouldn’t have told me she was even looking at me,” Alex shrugged.

“What’d you do?” Jack asked looking up from his phone at Alex.

“He went and flirted to some girl who wasn’t even remotely attractive. She nearly went into cardiac arrest and gave him her number,” Kasey explained, Jack burst into laughter.

“Dude, you are an ass.” Alex shrugged before hearing the excitement across the street of fans and bouncing over towards them.

Zack Merrick stood there quietly the entire time, his anger controlled perfectly. He’d learned to do it well around Alex especially in the company of Kasey Dawson. Kasey and Zack had been best friends in high school; inseparable in the hours that they weren’t in school since Zack had attended a different school. It was really no surprise that Zack was the only person who knew why Alex and Kasey had hated each other for so long.

Kasey glanced at Zack and immediately knew he was angry. She knew him too well sometimes and it was honestly scary how well he knew her.

“Don’t be mad Zack, it’s not like me and Alex are dating,” Kasey said as soon as everyone had vacated from the van.

“Yet,” Zack grumbled. He was jealous; and he had every right to be. Despite the fact that Alex was one of his best friends he’d taken nearly everything from him – even though Zack never once complained about it. But Zachary Merrick wasn’t about to let the only person he’d ever truly cared about slip away because of Alex Gaskarth.

“Zack, don’t be like that. I’m not interested in Alex at all,” Kasey groaned her fingers touching his forearm after he’d turned away from her.

Zack turned to glare at her, “you’ve said that before if I recall correctly.” He immediately regretted the words as soon as they’d left his mouth but he couldn’t mutter out an apology quickly enough before she punched him in the jaw. Kasey immediately turned and ran into the building without another word.
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This story is almost finished...only like three or four chapters left.
Tragic; I know.