In Second Place to Get A Second Chance


Later that night in the van; the atmosphere was to say the least once again very tense. Zack’s large purple bruise that had formed on the side of his face wasn’t helping anything; Kasey showed no remorse for her actions which pissed her brother off to no end. Rian was currently sitting in the driver’s seat, glaring through the rear view mirror at his sister every five minutes; glares that she was ignoring.

No one spoke the entire drive to the next venue – afraid that one word would set Rian, Zack or Kasey off. Kasey stared out the window watching the dark scenery passing, along with the occasional car beside them. This entire month of a tour was turning into more of a drama fest than even she’d bargained for. Kasey didn’t sleep that night, and she was sure Zack didn’t either but she refused to turn around in her seat to check. As soon as they arrived at the venue Kasey opened the door storming out of the van and towards the trailer without a word to anyone.

“Kasey, calm down,” Matt said his fingers grabbing hold of her wrist lightly. Kasey exhaled heavily before calming almost visibly.

“I’m fine, keep Zack away from me today,” Kasey said opening the trailer before grabbing the first piece of equipment she could manage to carry on her own.

“I don’t know what you did dude, but I’ve never seen Kasey Dawson so pissed off in my life,” Matt said to Zack.

“Said something I shouldn’t have,” Zack grumbled nearly incoherently.

“You’d better find a way to fix this – we need her for the AP tour and there’s no way she’ll come if she’s still pissed at you,” Matt replied before walking inside the building.

Zachary Merrick had fucked up, big time, and he had absolutely no idea how to fix the problem. Alex appeared beside him, a smirk plastered across his face.

“Need help?”

“Not from you thank you,” Zack replied bitterly.

“Suit yourself,” Alex sang before prancing across the street into the building. Alex smiled at Kasey as soon as she looked up from changing the strings on his guitar.

“Alright you’re creeping me out, what?” Kasey asked after he’d been smiling at her for a few minutes, swearing loudly when she cut her finger on the end of the string.

Alex rolled his eyes at her, “I know someone who likes you!”

Kasey stared at him questioningly, “If you say you I swear to God I’m castrating you Gaskarth.”

“No! Definitely not me, please leave my genitals intact,” Alex replied backing away from her by a few steps.

“Who is it then? I’m really not in the mood for mind games today,” she asked impatiently.

“Oh, you know him. Actually, you punched him last night-”

You’ve got to be shitting me,” Kasey yelled.

Alex snorted while Kasey started ranting even more; he wasn’t paying attention to what she was saying. Not that he’d had a hope in understanding she was speaking so rapidly from anger.

“Are you positive?” Kasey groaned.

Have you seen the way he looks at you? Honestly Kasey, even I’m not that blind.”

“Alexander…I hate my life.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I finished this story today.
Only two more chapters after this; no, no sequel.