In Second Place to Get A Second Chance


Alex laughed, “It’s not that bad Kase. It’s not like its Jack.”

“I’d rather it be Jack than Zachary!” Kasey yelled.

“ME? WHAT ABOUT ME!” Jack yelled as he pranced into the room.

“Nothing Jack-”

“I’m one of your best friends and you’re not going to tell me?!” Jack pouted.

“Jack Bassam Barakat, I’m about to give you a matching bruise to Zack’s if you don’t get out of this room right now,” Kasey threatened. Jack stared at her for several seconds before running back out the door, nearly running over Matt in the process.

“Alex, what the fuck am I going to do?” Kasey asked as she unpacked his microphone somewhat harshly.

“First of all you’re not going to break my five hundred dollar microphone,” Alex said taking the case and microphone away from her, “Secondly, you’re going to apologize to your best friend.”

Kasey scowled, “I’m not apologizing to that asshole. I refuse.”

Alex shook his head, he knew Kasey was stubborn but he also knew she wouldn’t hold a grudge against Zack long.

“You’re such a stubborn ass sometimes Dawson,” Alex said before walking away. Kasey sighed heavily before going back to setting everything up before making herself scarce during sound check. She found herself in the van, sitting and texting several friends for advice; they all said the same thing Alex did – apologize to Zack. It seemed inevitable that she probably couldn’t stay mad at him long, a few days at most.

Kasey looked up when she heard the van door open; Zack was staring wordlessly at her before climbing into the van and shutting the door. Kasey sighed heavily shoving her Sidekick into her pocket trying to avoid his gaze and the bruise on his cheek. Zack reached behind the seat shuffling around before handing her a Butterfinger chocolate bar; it was her favourite, a wordless apology.

“You’re making it hard to hate you right now,” Kasey said looking up at him finally. He shrugged in reply.

“I shouldn’t have said what I did, I’m sorry,” Zack said moving to get out of the van. Kasey grabbed his arm quickly, he turned quickly only to find Kasey’s lips on his own. Zack Merrick had no idea what was going on, but he didn’t mind one bit.
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Last chapter will be posted tonight!
COMMENT and it will come faster - and yes i know this is short.