Blue Fingers


I believe there are no coincidences in this world, that things happen for a you?


For a moment I didn’t know what to do. I stood there, thinking how I had actually told him what I wanted and it hadn’t been hard. As I assimilated this I walked over to his bed and sat down, staring at my fingers in sheer amazement.

What if I had done this before?

What would’ve happened then?

I shook my head, trying to shoo the thoughts away. If I started thinking of such complicated things my head will surely burst. I stole a glance at the watch, the bright numbers indicated it was only three thirty. I went for my bag, searching through it until I found my cellphone. I opened it up and realized the battery was dead. Searching around the apartment (whatever anyone said to me it was an apartment) I finally found the phone in between the pillows of one of the sofas. I picked it up and dialed mom’s number. After a tiring explanation of how I had totaled the car and how I really didn’t know what happened to it, I let her know a friend was driving me home around six and that I was on college’s campus. I don’t think that part of the information registered in her mind, though, the ‘Mom, I kind of wrecked the car’ part must’ve had a bigger impression on her mind.

Relief went through my veins as I realized I was completely free. Now that I didn’t have to worry about my mom, I felt light and fuzzy inside. I took the key from the table and placed it in the pocket over my breast. Walking towards the door I opened it, stepped out, and carefully closed it behind me. As I was about to walk down the stairs I realized someone was staring intently at me, actually, it seemed like whoever was wanted to burn a whole through my brain. I turned around to meet a pair of clear, green eyes, a pair of furrowed jet black hair about to meet. She had pale skin and blade-straight ebony hair that fell to her waist. Her thin lips where in an ‘o’ shape. She quickly closed it when she realized I was staring at her.

With my newly acquired sense of happiness I pushed myself to speak with this staring stranger.

“Can I help you with something?”

I asked her, my hand firmly gripping the stair handle. The woman sort of nodded and then cleared his throat, standing straighter as she did so.

“Did you just came out of Ethan’s dorm?”


“You’re his little sister, right? I thought you were supposed to be a model?”
Ouch. Thank you for just calling me ugly, Mrs-I-don’t-know-you. I shook my head,

“I’m not Vera. I’m not his sister.”

I said. I smiled at her and made my way out of the stairs. I grumbled as I took two steps a time. A rapid set of steps quickly got to where I was, I turned and was facing the ebony-haired girl.


I asked her, annoyance already creeping up my spine.

“If you don’t mind my asking, just who are you?”

She said in a voice that didn’t show any kind of concern if I minded or not. She threw me a sugary smile, the kind that is so fake that there’s no chance of mistakenly taking it as something else.

“I am Alexi-”

“Oh, I don’t mean that! Ethan doesn’t let anyone enter his dorm, let alone a girl...who are you to Ethan?”

I frowned. I didn’t like this type of person at all. It is the type that gets everyone into deep shit, into a moving sand of trouble. I shook my head,

“I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

I continued walking, ignoring her swearing under her breath and calling me things I really didn’t want to hear. I started walking down the paved road that united the college’s buildings together. There were students and teachers walking around, a constant chattering and shuffling of papers could be heard. If I closed my eyes I could imagine I was in a hallway at school. Yet I was sure I couldn’t. The things these people talked about, and the way they expressed themselves was much...smarter and sophisticated than the kids back at school did. Plus, the sounds wouldn’t sound the same considering I was outside and in school I would be inside...I thought about this as I saw the different faces without letting them know I was staring at them. I chose a seat below a large tree, a soft breeze played with my hair.

And then I started looking at the strings. They looked so beautiful, slightly glowing and for only me to see. I tried searching for the people that were united, but it was too difficult if they were all moving at the same time. And then a thought struck my head: if people where all moving in different directions, at the same time, they might miss their soul mate. If you’re so self-consumed then you won’t be able to achieve happiness.

It was at that time that I understood just how important and life-changing my gift was. Because it was a gift. It was no longer a pain in the ass, it was something that made me special, that could made me essential to someone else. I stood up, my legs just moving for the heck of it since my mind didn’t have a destination.

How could I have been so selfish during all of these years...Yet at the same time I hadn’t been. I hadn’t done anything for myself, either. I had just locked myself up and not let anyone in. I had had my little red string basically screaming to be noticed and I had just completely ignored him. I stopped, the realization was so big I couldn’t muster any other thought. I raised my eyes from the pavement I hadn’t been aware I had been staring at and looked straight ahead.

There was a mini market there.

It was a sign.

I searched my pockets and found a crumpled twenty-dollar bill. I all but skipped to the mini market.

* * *
I heard someone knock the door. I placed the plastic plates on the table and stared at the peep-hole before opening. I stepped aside as Ethan entered the apartment: his face tired and his shoulders tense. He really looked like he had been run over a truck. He sniffed the air and furrowed his brow. He opened his eyes and stared at the table, his eyes quickly fixated on the plates, then rolling back to me, demanding for an explanation.

“I...You’ve done so much for me I decided to do something back...I didn’t have much money and there isn’t a kitchen here so...”

Ethan walked to the table and sat on one of the chairs. He looked up at me, I was still standing by the door.


He asked, eying the plate next to his. I ran to his bedroom and brought the two bottles of juice, placing them on the table as I sat. Ethan ate the vegetable and cheese wraps in front of him eagerly, taking sips from his bottled juice every now and then. I nibbled mine, stealing a glance of him every now and then. Once he finished he threw his head back and sighed. A contented sigh, that is. I bit my lip, trying to contain the smile that was forming on my lips as I finished the last bits of my wrap.

I took the dishes and the rest of the garbage outside, after asking Ethan where I should throw it out. By the time I came in, Ethan’s head was resting on the table, his eyes shut, his face peaceful. He woke up when I closed the door, though, rubbing his eyes.

“I should drive you home.”

He stated, standing up, he checked his back pocket and nodded in satisfaction when he heard the sound of his keys. I took my backpack and walked behind him. We strutted to the parking lot in silence. Ethan took the backpack from my hands and then opened the back seat and placed it there, closing the door after wards. I guessed that was his way of saying ‘sit on the passenger’s seat’, huh? I did as he silently commanded and was very careful to close the door gently.

He turned the key and the engine roared to life. He pressed his foot against the pedal and a screeching sound of metal against pavement ripped the air in two. Ethan cursed as he stepped out of the vehicle and knelled down,throwing a profanity or two into the air. I left the car as well.

“What’s wrong?”

“Someone messed up with the tires...they don’t have any air in them.”
I furrowed my brow at a light yellow piece of paper on the car’s windshield.
“Ethan...there’s something in the windshield.”

Ethan stood up and took the paper, as his eyes scanned the single scribbled word his scowl grew wider.


“What does it say?”

“That’s what it says. It says motherfucker. Why is she so damn annoying?”
Ethan started to walk back to the apartment, I stayed rooted by the car. He noticed I wasn’t following and went back.

“I’m sorry but I can’t drive you home tonight. Unless you have enough money for the cab...I ran out of cash....Although there’s an ATM on the other side of the college...Wait in the apartment and I’ll go-”

“No...its okay. You’re tired...I’ll just figure out a way to go home...Maybe hitchhike?”

I said the last part more to myself than to him. He let out a small laugh.
“Just stay over. I’ll ask someone to borrow me a car tomorrow...the people I know are usually already home or out with their dates by now...calling them will be pointless.”

“Okay...I’ll stay over I guess.”

We walked back to the apartment, my backpack on his back. I guess to anyone else we might’ve looked like an awkward couple...maybe the first time I stayed over at his place? I shook the thought aside, shaking the thoughts from my mind was a habit I had inherited from a young age, something I hadn’t been able to stop doing. As we reached his landing I could’ve sworn I saw a opening and a figure behind it. I stopped to scrutinize it, but Ethan’s hand tugged on mine gently,

“Come on.”

He mumbled, tiredness lacing his words. I started walking again and I could swear as the door closed I saw a flash of long, ebony hair.

Ethan closed the door and went to his room after telling me to look for something to watch on the TV. I threw myself on the couch. I wasn’t even done looking for the remote when a rumble of clothes was thrown at me.

“Those are the best I can offer.”

Ethan said as he returned, his black pants and navy-blue shirt replaced with sweats and a thin, white, v-neck shirt.


I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Using the toilet, washing my face, tugging up my hair and switching into a pair of dark-colored sweats and a matching shirt. The cotton was soft, but a little too long for me. I tried rolling up the sweats but it was pointless, they kept rolling down. The sweats went an inch or so from where they should be, I blame my mother for giving me a five-year-old’s hips.

I exited the bathroom feeling slightly embarrassed. I almost tripped on the long sweats as I made my way back towards the couch. I yelled. Ethan’s head popped up and he shook his head at me.

“You’re no good.”

He stated. I shrugged,

“It is not my fault if the sweats are too long for me!”

“Take them off, then. You’ll only rip them.”

I sighed, he was right. I took the sweats off, the shirt lingering around six inches below my crotch. I tried pulling the shirt down.

“Stop pulling, that’s as far as the fabric’ll go.”

Ethan said bluntly as he returned his gaze towards the TV screen in apparent boredom. But he wasn’t such a mysterious hard-to-read person to me, not anymore. I could see through his facade now. I plopped my body beside him on the couch, a inch or so away. He changed the channels until he stopped at HBO, as V for Vendetta had just started.

“Hope you don’t mind me invading your bed today, I’m just not that tired.”

He said, his eyes not leaving the screen.


I mumbled, transfixed in one of my favorite movies ever. It wasn’t long before his head fell on my shoulder, slumber taking over. I ignored it as the movie went on, Evie receiving the heart-breaking letters on toilet paper had my full attention. That is, until a hand moved gently up my thigh.

I pulled myself away from the screen as the hand was now under his shirt and making a slow but steady way towards my breast. I placed my hand on top of his, stopping it, trying to push it back. He stood from his half-sitting position and pushed me to the couch, pushing himself up with his ‘free hand’, as the other swiftly ignored my futile attempt and went over its target. His hand was on my neck now, he soft caressing and coldness sending chills throughout my body, the lifted shirt sending goosebumps on my exposed flesh. He pushed my knees apart with his own right knee, and came nearer. His right hand was now clasping the my right cheek, mimicking his left. As his left hand moved I could feel his arm bumping into my nipple. And then I stopped caring about that as one of his fingers started playing with my lower lip. As my eyes wandered up to his I couldn’t help but noticed the path the red string that came from his pinky ended on mine. Before he was done with his fingers teasing my mouth, I arched my back and my mouth met his.

For the first time, I kissed a guy.

For the first time, I kissed Ethan.

He wasn’t pulling back, he was kissing me back, harder, more passionate.
♠ ♠ ♠
A long one for your entertainment and mine. I figure I've been gone for a bit so I should praise you with two updates in a day and the second one being longer.
Soooo, comments darlings?

Random fact: I hate the word nipple. I flinch whever I read/hear it. Something goes and annoying 'clink' on my mind, I swear.