Blue Fingers


When I was small I used to love sleeping with my dad. He was so big compared to me, he still is, I loved to cuddle in his arms and feel secure and loved, but specially: I didn’t feel alone. This three things are the most important for the best sleep and for life in majority….do you believe this?


I woke up feeling warm and comfortable. As my eyes opened I realized I was staring straight at a neck: a sleek, white neck with strands of reddish rumbled hair. I was too drowsy to feel surprised. The fingers on his left hand were still around my waist, and his right arm was underneath my head and neck, serving as a pillow. I noticed my fingers were twisted in his white shirt, creating mountains and valleys of fabric, and that our legs were tangled together. I arched my head back and saw that his eyes were half-closed, his long lashes producing a light shadow. His face was now relaxed, his lips slightly upward as if he had slept smiling, his cheeks where a bit flustered and his hair fell on meshed strands. It took him seconds before he fully opened his brownie-colored eyes and stared at me intently.


He mumbled, making a sleek motion to stand up. I sat on the sofa so he could stand, and stared as his body straightened. I was still very sleepy, half registering what I was doing. Ethan stood and passed a hand through his hair as he hurriedly went to his room. He ran back, preoccupation on his features.

“Shit, do you know what time it is?”

I rubbed my fingers against my eyes and yawned, taking my time to stretch and stand up. I was quite kitty-like when I woke up; I even produced a mean meow. Ethan repeated his question an octave too high.

“Er, no…what time is it?”

“Ten minutes to eight!”

“Ten…minutes…to eight?...I HAVE CLASS IN TWENTY MINUTES!”

I yelled. He looked at me startled for a few seconds. I guess he wasn’t used to me yelling at him…oops. I stared at him, my eyebrows furrowed. He was quiet. I started walking around the room in small paces.

“That’s not going to help. Just shower and I’ll drive you home. You can take one of Vera’s uniforms.”

“That’s…smart. Lend me a towel?”

He did as I requested and I stepped into the shower. I rubbed the liquid soap against my skin as quickly yet thoroughly as possible. Using the dark blue bottles Ethan had neatly stacked inside the shower I shampooed and conditioned quickly. As I stepped out of the shower, towel-drying my hair I realized I had nothing to wear to Vera’s. I heard Ethan walking anxiously on the other side of the door.

“What’s taking you so long? Didn’t you say you could shower in five minutes?”

“I don’t have anything to wear! I can’t go to your house in your sweaty shirt!”

I responded anxiously. I heard footsteps and then the door opening. I barely had time to cover myself with the towel. Ethan extended a bundle of clothes as I swore.

“I swear I had locked that door!”

“It doesn’t work. Put that on and let’s move.”

“Ugh, yeah.”

I all but closed the door on his face and changed quickly. Ethan showered in half the time I took. As I waited impatiently by the door I saw him walk out of the bathroom with his wet hair against his damp face. His white towel lingered around his hips, tucked so loosely that it seemed it would fall at any given moment. My eyes lingered at the perfectly toned abs. He entered his room and didn’t even bother to close the door. I turned around in time to hear the towel hit the floor.

Ethan came out in a blur of dark clothes and took my backpack from me. I ran after him as we walked in the direction of a black SUV. He hopped on the driver’s seat and I quickly opened the door to the passenger’s seat. He drove like a madman and I clung to my seatbelt for dear life. In a blink of an eye we were at his house. Vera was just getting on her pink playboy car. She furrowed her brows as she saw Ethan step out of the car with my backpack and then me after him, both of us damp, with our wet hair against our skin, both with hurried expressions on. I guess she must’ve noticed then I was wearing her brother’s clothes because the keys and purse slipped from her fingers, the contents of the purse spilling on the floor.

“Vera, lend her a uniform.”

Ethan commanded, not bothering with a hello or any other kind of greeting. Vera stared at him, expression vacant. I rushed to her,

“Please, Vera! I swear I’ll wash it!”


She stated. Ethan sighed and placed my backpack and, taking my hand, rushed me through the house, up the stairs and into Vera’s room. He quickly produced the uniform and I changed right there, not bothering in making him turn around or in hiding behind something. I really wasn’t thinking at that moment. I was just thinking on getting to school on time. I stepped into my school shoes with yesterday’s socks.

Ethan and I all but flew over the stairs. Vera had just finished placing the last thing on her purse and was trying to open the door. Her hands were trembling, though. Ethan stared at her, tapping his foot against the ground.

“Vera, why don’t you let her drive? I don’t think you’re fit to do it right now…what’s wrong with you?”

He asked as he walked towards his half-sister and gently took the keys out of her trembling fingers. Ethan threw her a concerned look.

“Maybe I should just drive Alexis home, then…you should stay home.”
I perked up as I heard him pronounce my name. It was weird to have him call him by my name and not ‘her’, ‘she’ or ‘you’. He hadn’t even finished the statement when Vera’s face turned into determination.

“No. Come on, Lexie, you drive.”

Vera went around the car towards the passenger’s seat. I walked over to the driver’s seat as Ethan placed my backpack on the backseat. I extended my fingers for the keys as he turned around to face me. He raised them over his chest, I instantly moved forward and reached for them but instead of getting the keys Ethan’s lips met mine in a short but passionate kiss. I stumbled back startled as he handed me the keys and jogged towards the black SUV so we could have the way clear.

I shook my head, unable to think about just what in the world had happened if I didn’t want to wreck this car as well. I slipped into the passenger seat, and inserted the key on the ignition, the car’s purr meeting my ears as the most beautiful music.

I started driving to school, pedal to metal as carefully as I could. Vera was freakishly quiet, just tapping her fingers against the window. I didn’t say a thing, I was too focused on the road ahead and on getting there on time. Vera didn’t say a thing as I got to school as the bell rang and quickly parked. Her hand just stretched towards me as she asked for the keys. I gave them to her and took my backpack out.

I yelled a thank you of some sort to her as I ran to my locker, and then ran to first period.
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It wasn't supposed to be a filler, but after four pages I kind of had to cut it short....comments are appreciated and loved!
Today was Love and Friendship day at school (we celebrate that AND Saint Valentines' as well) so I hate lots and lots of candy! It was an awesome day. I just came from the mall, in which I bought a....are you ready to read this???.....A HAMBURGER HAT! YES! I know have my halloween costume ladies and gents!