Blue Fingers


People are connected, they really are. By events or by other people, but they’re all connected...Do you believe this?

“Don’t think I’m just going to ignore this new state of fragility of yours.”

He stated, the pressure of his fingers intertwined with mine doubling gently.

“I don’t think there’s anything I can say that will make you change your mind.”

I responded, trying not to think about how I’d usually reserved that kind of comeback for my mind instead of actually speaking.

“There isn’t.”

He reassured me, a small grin playing on his lips.

“You’ve changed too, Ethan. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

I commented, giggling at my choice of words.

“I have? Well, I’m not surprised.”

He mumbled, looking at me with those breath-taking eyes.

“Can we get out here? I really hate it.”

I asked in a low voice, looking around me at the drunk people talking in obnoxiously loud voices, making a ridicule of themselves.

“I can’t drive. Unless you want to die tonight.”

I bit my lip as I turned to take his face in. It wouldn’t be so bad dying with him, I thought, but didn’t even think of telling him that.

“I was kidding about the dying part, Alexis. Are you sure you didn’t drink anything?”

He asked with a stiff laugh. I shook my head as we walked past the house, the dark alley ahead of us. I couldn’t see much in front of me so I stopped, Ethan almost falling into the pavement. He really was much more drunk than I thought. He laughed as he sat on the pavement, his cheeks and eyes red, his breath smelling as if he had gulped down two and a half bottles of Bacardi (which was farely accurate).

“How about going home, Ethan?”

I asked him as I helped him up. He shook his head,

“I can’t drive, I just told you this.”

He slurred as he placed his arm around my shoulders.

“I’ll drive you. Deal?”

I didn’t wait for him to respond as I walked to his car. I placed him against the car doors and ignored the whistling coming from the people watching us as I searched his front and back pockets for his keys. I unlocked the doors and helped him into the back seat, wrapping his chest with the seat bealt like a toddler. I walked up to the driver’s seat and kicked the engine into life.

* * *

The breeze was nice, stirring the loose strands of hair of my ponytail. Beatrix sat by my side, Dali’s head resting on her right knee.

“Who’s Eva?”

I asked her, my eyes staring straight ahead. I hear Beatrix gasp, the question taking her off guard.

“She’s my classmate...from the Univer-“

“I know that much. But you know something more about her, don’t you? It has to do with Ethan, that’s all I know. Can you tell me?”

Beatrix patted Dali on the head, her eyes wandering over the joyful canine.

“No? Okay then. Goodbye, Beatrix.”

I stated as I stood up. I couldn’t stand people not speaking up when something important was happening, specially when it had to do with people I loved. Loved? No, I didn’t just say loved. I say deeply care about! Yes...that sounds better.
I felt a tug in my hand. Beatrix’s handsome fingers where around my wrist, pulling me back into the chair.

“She used to date him. She was...cruel to him. It was along time ago. Whatever she did to him made him cold, cruel even. That’s why I’m scared of him, why so many people are scared of him.”

“I thought it was because of...”

I trailed off, unsure if talking about Ethan being a mistress’ son was appropiate or not.

“After he came to live with his new family he was cold. But he started to date Eva, and they were wonderful together. They were both cold, but that coldness brought warmness to both of them. Well, it lasted less on Eva. She dumped him, and God knows what she did to him, because Ethan became...he became a monster. He couldn’t be reached by any means...He was completely out of control. His sister starting showing up at school from time to time, and he became better. But there was a stiffness about him that didn’t change...until you showed up, I guess.”

“Wait a minute, you know Ethan from school?”

“You didn’t know? Ethan, Eva and I were in the same school, highschool and ended up in the same university. Coincidence, right?”

“There are no coincidences, Beatrix...There are just no...”

I trailed off, a horrible headache taking over me. I shut my eyes and placed by head in between my legs, taking long breaths.

“Alexis? Are you okay?”

“Just...a headache...that’s it. Please continue...”

I felt her hesitate as she fiddled with her fingers on top of her lap.

“Well...there’s something else...Something about his sister...”


“Yes, but that’s just speculation...I’d rather not talk about that. It’s sick.”

I nodded, getting a mild idea of what she would tell me if I pushed her. She would probably tell me about Vera’s and Ethan’s unhealthy relationship or something. I agreed with her and let the subject drop.

“Can I ask you something?”

She asked after a few minutes of sitting in silence while petting the cuadrupent.

“Sure, sure..”

I muttered as I rubbed my temples in a desire for the damned headache to go away.

“Just what are you to Ethan?”


“I’ve never seen him like that...looking human.”

She finished, ignoring my attempt at an interrumption. She looked at me straight in the face, her beautiful eyes sparkling in a way I hadn’t seen them act before. I shrugged, thinking there was definitely no way of avoiding the question. I sighed.

“We’re acquaintences. Vera’s one of my closest friends so I kind of met him through her. That’s it.”

Beatrix frowned, her beautiful features looking even more so.

“But...he was acting so strange!”

I snorted, relaxing a bit more.

“He was drunk, that’s what he was.”

“But...Eva said you spend the night at his place...he never invited girls in-“

I grit my teeth, sinking my nails in the tough denim.

“I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have asked that.”

She apologized, looking down at Dali. I shook my head, the initial irritation wearing away.

“No, I’m sorry...I’m just not used to sharing much...We’re really just that, people who happen to meet. He did a favor for me that night by letting me stay, just as I drove him to his dorm last night. Just some coinci- Well, I guess that’s not right, is it?”

I asked more to myself than to Beatrix.

“I was about to say it was just some weird coincidence, but I don’t believe in coincidences...Maybe it was just destiny, who am I to decide that? You know?”

I asked her with eager eyes, all but begging for someone to understand me.

“I really don’t.”

She admitted with a giggle.

“But maybe I’d like to. See you later, Alexis.”

She said as she stood up. Dali followed and after a few steps she turned around ang gave me a little wave.

“See ya.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments anyone?