Blue Fingers

Blood Ties

Sometimes it is best to go after the things you were most afraid of, the things that used to make you tremble. This things make you stronger, and maybe, they even hold a secret. A secret that can turn your life upside down, or straight even. Do you believe this?

I woke up in the mattress that had been laid down for me in her room. I groaned internally. I mean, I’m sure every girl prefers to wake up to the man she loves rather than the smelly foot of one of your friends, right? Well, Vera’s foot wasn’t really smelly but you get my point.

The second thing I noticed was that most of the headaches I had been feeling and the dizziness was gone. I smiled to myself as I, after poking Vera until she responded, showered and got dressed. Both of us went down the stairs, our grumbling stomachs begging for nutrition.

Ethan was already there, his face a whole deal more bright as he stared at me and I smiled back. Vera muffled a puking sound as she sat beside him and grabbed a roll.

I sat in the chair in front of Ethan, mimicking Vera and taking a sip of the orange juice placed in front of me.

“The mattress good enough for you, Alexis?”

A silky voice asked from behind me. I turned around and faced Vera’s mom, her shoulder-length blond hair falling in loose waves that framed her beautiful face. Ethan and Vera took mostly after their father, of course but the few times I stared at Vera’s mom I could see a small resemblance in Vera’s feautures...and something about the sitffness Ethan had.

“Er, yes. It was pretty comfortable. Thanks for taking me in.”

She smiled at me, one of those million dollars smiles. She turned to look at Ethan, her face looked troubled for a second but then she regained composure.

“You’re awfully happy today, Ethan! How precious!”

She beamed, clapping her hands together. Ethan’s expression dropped a bit, he really seemed uncomfortable with that woman. She went around the table and sat on on the the chairs on the end of the table.

“Your father will come down, kids. Then you can tell us whatever’s so important we had to come home early, okay Ethan?”


He said stiffly as he took a bite out of his buttered roll. I furrowed my brows and looked at Vera, who avoided any eye contact with me. The food was suddenly extremely dry against my throat, regardless of how many galleons of liquid I drank. The only choice was to wait. Finally, an almost identical copy of Ethan came down, the hair a good deal much shorter, a gentle face with delicate wrinkles, almost as if they had been painted instead of chinceled by fatigue, preocupation and work. He said his hellos, started his breakfast and then Ethan suddenly cleared his throat.

“I’m finishing collegue ahead of my classmates, and I’ve already been offered a job. I’m moving out as soon as I finish.”

His dad looked rather surprised, but he hid it well.

“That’s wonderful son. But where are you moving exactly? Surely you’re not planning on moving on your own...You don’t have enough money, you’re a good deal more sensitive than that.”

“In fact, I can move on my own. The job I’ve been offered runs in six digits.”

Ethan said proudly. His father’s fork slipped from his hands.

“What’s this fantastic job of yours?”

“Mom’s sister.”

Vera’s mom choked on her sausage, their father looked at Ethan with his eyes wide as plates.

“Your...your mother doesn’t have a sister.”

“Yes she does, her name is Camille. She saw my thesis project and hired me without knowing I was her sister’s son. We found out about that during lunch. I said yes, I’m just formally notifying you.”

His father frowned, then stole a glance at me.

“And you chose to say this the day we have a guest in our household? I’m sorry Ale-“

“Why wouldn’t I? My girlfriend should know everything there is to know about me. I don’t need to hide anything from Lexie. Right?”

He asked for confirmation, looking at me intently. It was weird to share such an intimate moment with most of his family but I didn’t really care. I could feel the color rising up to my cheeks.


I said with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end is near my darlings, five more chapters to go.
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