My Baby's Better Than Yours

My Baby's Better Than Yours


I watch silently as he lets his arm slip around my shoulder, and I blink. Because he doesn't do this, because we aren't together. The boy on my right is still staring up at the sky, but pulls me closer to him. I look to my left, Nick is standing there totally engulfed in the sparks. His face is illuminated with pinks and reds, yellows and blues from the lights show. He looks over at his date and softly plants a kiss to her hair, and then squeezes her hand. Carol starts laughing at his cheesyness and before he knows it, she's challenged him to a game of 'catch me if you can.' They run in circles around the pretzel stand as Kevin tosses Frankie over his shoulder and spins him around. My eyes follow Nick as he finally catches her, and he wraps his arms around her and starts to twirl her. I bite my lip and put up my hood, turning my point of vision right at the dark night sky. I want something like that, I think to myself as Nick carries her back to the grass, I want a love like that.

Joe takes his other arm and then pulls me onto his lap, a common gesture between us. He smiles at me and then he takes a sip of his cherry Dr. Pepper. He giggles lightly under his breath, reaching his hand out and slightly adjusting my bangs out of my face. I give him a quizzical look and he leans a bit closer, his eyes shining. His breath tickles my nose and he softly presses his forehead to mine, cheeks turning a rosy color. "I couldn't see your eyes," He gives me a whisper as his arms wrap around me, another common gesture for us. Shake it off, he's a friend. And Dr. Pepper is like vodka to him, it gets him to do things he never would. So when his arms pull me onto his lap, and his head lays in the crook of my neck I decide to turn my head away, instead watching Nick sing into Carol's ear.

He's singing a lullaby, and she's slowly fluttering her eyes into a deep sleep. Nick smiles at his girl, pulling off his jacket to keep her warm as he drapes it over her. He'll have to carry her to the car later, but he's fine with it. Because with Carol, Nick knows what to do regardless if he's never done it before. Because he is in love, honest to God he really is.

My heart begins to beat quicker and harder as I feel a pair of wet lips crash against my neck. Joe whispers in my ear, giggling stupidly and swiveling his drink. "April," He purrs. I keep my eyes ahead of me.

"Joseph," I try to hold my serious look but fail miserable as a smile curves onto my lips, knowing the boy is cringing at his name. "Joe,"

"I love you, April." He mumbles into my shoulder. I wish he knew how much those words meant to me, even if he didn't mean it. I wish he knew what kind of hell he put me through every morning when I'd see him draped over that girlfriend of his. I wish he would say the things he said to her to me, and I wish he'd realize this.

I don't hate Demi. Infact, if I got to know her more, I think I might be rather fond of her. Demi is tall. Demi is nice. Demi is pretty. Demi is skinny. Demi can sing. Demi can act. Demi is what Joe describes as his dream girl. Demi is Joe's girlfriend. Demi has claimed him as her own.

I on the other hand, am not anywhere near Demi's perfect structure. I am short. I could stand to lose about twenty pounds. I am negative. I am a sinner. I am not Joe's dream girl.

And I can't help but just want to hate her a little because of that.

Joe nudges my shoulder with his nose, "I love you." He says simply.

I look him in the eyes, "I love you right back, Joe."
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i posted this at my livejournal fiction community, but i thought i should get it up here as well. i'm not sure if i'm doing this right...