You'll Be the Death of Me


I woke up the next morning before 9, and silently crept out of Bam's bed and into my own room to get dressed. I don't know why we kept separate rooms, I always sleep in his with him, but I guess we're just being silly. It only makes sense for when we argue. I was quickly dressed in my average jeans and band shirt ensemble, and brushing my teeth in the bathroom.
"You woke me up." Bam mumbled into my neck as I continued brushing my teeth. I spat out the toothpaste into the sink before replying.
"Sorry. I tried being quiet." I started to rinse my mouth out.
"You were. But you were gone, I didn't like it." I spat out the water, and turned to face him.
"Aww, you're so cute, Bam."
"I do try." I kissed him softly once. "You taste like peppermint." I laughed.
"Do you want anything bringing back?"
"Yeah, my Ferrari."
"Your Ferrari's in the garage. Has been for months."
"Yeah, that's why you're taking it. It needs to be out of there before it starts rusting."
"Are you serious?"
"Er, yes? Just don't scratch it."
"You are the greatest boyfriend in the history of the planet. You're amazing!"
"I do try." He repeated. I hugged him, and looked down at my watch. 9:45.
"I gotta go, but I'll be back before you know it. Go back to bed, or you'll whine at me for the rest of the day about being tired. I'll text you off my new phone once I get it." I smiled. He pulled his phone out of his trouser pocket and waved it at me while replying.
"We'll be waiting." I laughed at him, kissed him quickly before walking out of the bathroom, and starting down the stairs with my bag.
"The keys are the ones on the far left!" He called after me.
"Thanks!" I made my way to the front door, pulled the keys off the hook, and walked out to the garage. I quickly slipped into the car, and started it up. It ran just a great as my Jag did, and believe me, that is good. Parking in the lot, surrounded by cars that couldn't even compare to the Ferrari, I felt extremely out of place, and way too noticeable. I swear, Bam thought about this, just so he'd be able to find me easily. I looked down at my watch again and sighed. 9:55. It only took me about two minutes to get round the cafe I had been in yesterday.
"Freda!" I heard Greg call from a table out front. I turned quickly, and started my walk toward him.
"Hey, Greg!" He stood up to hug me, and we both sat back down, while he finished his coffee.
"So, how have you been these past two years?"
"Same old. Mainly just annoyed at my mum, what about you?"
"Same as ever." I smiled awkwardly at him, in return to his beaming grin. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"
"Er... I only have one thing to do, and that's get a new phone. You got anything you need to do?"
"Nope, I just wanna hang out with you really." I shook my head. "What? We need to catch up!" He finished up his coffee after he said that, and we both stood up.
"To the phone store?"
"Yeah. What are you thinking of getting?"
"I don't know. A Sidekick maybe? I hear they're pretty cool." He shook his head.
"Well, for that we need to go to the mall. So, we have to go back to mine for my car."
"No, Bam lent me his Ferrari. It's only about two minutes away, come on." As soon as we reached the parking lot, I heard him let out a whistle of impression.
"Nice ride. Mind if I drive it?" He asked, walking up to the car, and running his hands along some of it.
"Er... Promise not to scratch it? Bam'd kill me." He nodded, and I carefully handed him the keys, before we both slid into the car. It wasn't long before we reached the mall, and Greg still seemed very impressed by the car. I was just impressed he hadn't scratched it the way he was driving. "I'm never letting you drive again. Especially not with this car!"
"You enjoyed it." He shrugged, tossing me the keys. I glared at him and started my walk up to the building. He caught up within a few seconds, and the two of us walked silently up to the building. It wasn't long until the two of us found the store, and I had my new Sidekick. I loved it already.
And guess who has a sidekick! :)
I typed in Bam's number, which I already knew off by heart, along with Ville, Johnny, Harri and Mel's numbers, which I had known off by heart for so long now.
Is it that sexy girl I know from my bed? ;)
No, Bam, it's Santa... 'Cause Santa has a Sidekick, too, you know!

"I give up on you," Greg stated, looking over my shoulder at what I was saying to Bam. Creep.
"Good. Everyone else gave up on me long ago."
"Come on, it's after 1, I need dinner!"
"Yeah, fine. Food court it is."
Since when did Santa have my number? :| I'm calling the police on you, stalker.
Fine, be that way about your girlfriend. :( I'll just go have hot sex with Valo. ;)
Dude, kidding. He wouldn't have me. ;)

I set all the numbers to save in my phone, as we dawdled to the food court. I wasn't really paying attention to whatever it was Greg was going on about; I was just agreeing and saying 'Hmm' every now and again. He really wasn't as fun as I remembered.
You're so lucky I know you're kidding about that, too. Are you coming home soon?
Er.. I don't know. I might just wander for a bit.
So, it's okay for me to go to Duffers with the guys?
Totally. Have fun, and don't get too drunk without me. :)
Haha, I make no promises. Talk later xxxxxxx

My stomach growled as soon as I was met with the smell of food, and only just realized that I actually was hungry. I zoned back into Greg's conversation with me, but zoned out again only moments later, due to the severity of how boring he actually was. He led me over to the McDonald's, and the two of us ordered, and found seats pretty quickly. It wasn't too busy today, seeing as though it was during the school week, and most people were either working or at school, but it was easily the busiest and most visible area of the entire mall. He sat us right at the edge, nearest to the rest of the mall, yet again, at the most visible place. I don't know if he did it purposefully, or whether he even noticed, but I was keeping an eye on everything right now, just because there was nothing better for me to do.
"Freda? You in there?" Greg asked, waving his hand in front of my face and snapping me back into reality.
"Huh? What? Oh, yeah, sorry, I kinda zoned out for a moment there."
"I'm boring you, aren't I?" No shit, Sherlock...
"No, not at all!" He started beaming again.
"So, anyway, have you ever had chicken nuggets from McDonald's before?" I shook my head, laughing. "Well, allow me the pleasure of giving you your first chicken nugget!" There was the old Greg shining through a little. I continued laughing as he dunked it into tomato sauce a little. "Open up." I did as commanded and he fed me a little of it, whilst I was still laughing. Well, I was suppressing it while he was feeding me, obviously, so it was more of a smile.
"What's your verdict?"
"I like them. Best chicken nuggets ever." I laughed.
"You're so cute when you're laughing." The comment took me by surprise; he'd never said anything like that to me before. Not even a 'You look good in that' or anything.
"Er... Thanks?" Was all I could think to say.
"My pleasure." Before I knew it his lips were on mine, with his hand behind my neck, pulling me close so I couldn't get away.