The Biggest Fan

Clip #5.

As Bert headed towards the bunk beds, holding his cell phone against his ear, he shut the swing door between the bunk bed area and the kitchen before quickly giving me a smile.
Who the hell had he been text messaging earlier today and was it the same person that now was calling him?
I didn’t bother thinking about it, so I went to the sofa group where Jepha, Quinn and Dan were sitting.

“Fuck, it’s good to be back home again”, Quinn said, scratching his 3-day old beard.
He looked like a confused Santa Claus trainee where he was sitting.
“Right on, dude”, Jepha added, high fiving him.
“Where in town are you guys gonna play tonight?”, I asked.
“Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. We played there back in 2006. It’s a nice place”, Jepha explained while turning on his laptop.

“Yeah, it’s a cool place to play at and the stage is, like, really small. You could almost call it a club stage, just with a bunch of people in front of it. Like, a lot of people”, Dan said.
“Oh, sounds cool. Are you going to play the same songs you did last time, or do you change the set list for each concert?”
I really wanted an answer to that question.

“Well, it depends”, Quinn began. “We usually stick to the songs we know the audience will like, but we can also jam on some other songs spontaneously if we want to do that. But all in all, it really depends on where we are playing.”
It was funny watching Quinn explaining to as he was constantly using his hands to try and explain it even better.

“What’re you doing?”, Dan asked Jepha, seeing him doing something on his laptop.
“Tryin´ to make the web cam work. I wanna do a clip again and post it online. Youtube or something.”
“Fuck, yeah. Hah, it’s been ages since we last did that! It’s about time”, Quinn said.

“Okay, we’re on. Gonna do a test… Testing, testing! Okay, it’s workin´. Let’s see…
Hi, it’s Jeph, uhm, from The Used. Obviously, haha. We’re doing a clip from the tour bus on my new 17 inches laptop. How awesome is that?”
“Totally awesome”, Quinn added, laughing, getting in the picture of the web cam’s recording, along with Dan.

“Okay, so we’re on a ship right now, getting ready to reach shore in San Francisco. We’ve been travelling for two days and nights on this ship from Europe, so we’re pretty tired. Uhm… Yeah! We have a very special person with us. On tour, actually. Lina, come here”, Jepha said, making me come sit next to him in the black leathered sofa in front of the laptop.
“Say hi, Lina.”

“Hi”, I said, smiling awkwardly into the recording web camera, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“She’s our awesome roadie”, Jepha continued. “She’s been touring with us for, what, almost a week now. Well, almost a week, but still, she’s totally cool.”
“She’s awesome”, Quinn added, now grinning even worse than he did earlier.
Man, did I want to get away from the picture there and then, and even though they were just kidding, my embarrassment didn’t become any smaller.

“Oh, look who we’ve got here; Bert!”, Jepha continued, seeing Bert coming towards us.
“We’re doing a video clip, come sit down.”
“Ah, I’ve never been a part of this before, like, in a clip”, he said in a raspy voice, sitting down next to me, almost landing on my lap.
We were all sitting pretty tight in the sofa now, making the leather squeak every time someone moved in it.

“We were just talking about Lina right now”, Jepha continued.
“Fuck, yeah. To put it this way, Lina’s fuckin´ awesome”, Bert said, putting his arms around me while squeezing his cheek against mine, almost like a smothering hug.
I started laughing due to the fact that his little beard was rubbing my cheek, making it tickle.
It was a really strange hug, especially when he let his arm rest over my neck and shoulders.

“Yep, as you can see, a lot of things are going on here”, Jepha began, again looking straight into the web camera.
“We gotta go now ‘cause we’re arriving shore soon. Later, we’ll be playing at a local venue here in San Francisco, so we better get rollin´.”
“Peace!”, Bert shouted as Jepha turned the web cam off.

“Okay, so now we gotta put it online on Youtube”, Jepha mumbled, logging onto Youtube on The Used’s channel.
“Whaddaya gonna call it?”, Quinn asked.
“I don’t know, somethin´ simple. Let’s call it the used clip #5. Yeah, sounds simple enough, right?”
“Okay, now it’s posted”, Jepha said, turning the laptop off.

“I wonder what the comments are gonna be like”, I said, scratching my head.
“Haha, yeah. People will probably start wonderin´ who you are!”, Bert added.
“Well, I’m me.”
“And never fuckin´ forget that”, he said with a smile, resting his arm over my shoulders as he stared me straight in the eyes with his crystal blues…
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ahh, the used's video clips. <3
you've seen them on youtube, right?
well, you gotta, 'cause they're hilarous. :]
and what do you think about the update, guys? (:
