‹ Prequel: Escapology

The Road

Brand New - Part 1- Mia's POV

“Why do I have to start a new school?” I moaned, taking a bite out of my toast. “I'm leaving next month!”

Gerard walked over to me and scraped a crumb off the side of my cheek. “Because you need to do your exams. And don’t talk with your mouth full!”

I glared at him and my eyes followed him across the room. “I don’t need to go to school; I can just go in for my exams!”


“That’s what parents are for! You can help me revise,” I smiled sweetly.

“Can I?” he laughed sarcastically. “No! You’re going to school!”

“Lazy!” I muttered into my toast. He raised his eyebrows at me, making me giggle.

“We have some one new in our form; who is joining us for her exams,” the teacher announced. “This is Mina…”

“Mia!” I corrected her. She had it written in front of her and couldn’t even get it right.

“Sorry, Mia,” she sneered. “And I hope you will all make her feel welcome. I’d like you to sit over there next to Kelly, she’ll look after you.”

I followed where she was pointing and sat in the only empty seat in the room, next to who I assumed was Kelly.

I was glad I only had to spend half an hour a day in this room. It was tiny and cramped, with too many desks in it. There were about 30 people squashed in, two to every desk.

A quick head count told me that there were 38 people; which is a lot more than my old school would’ve dreamt of putting in a classroom twice the size of this.

Gerard said I could have gone back to my old school but I just knew that I couldn’t. they all why I was off, they all know my father got sent down, a lot of them think I made it up and got lucky with Gerard

Some of them think I'm sleeping with him.