‹ Prequel: Escapology

The Road

New Guy - Mia's POV

“It’s been 3 weeks since we went out last time…”

“Yeah and we’re not even drinking this time…”

“You might meet some nice guys…”

“Surely your dad wants you to be happy…”

Jenny and Kelly had made some pretty good arguments between them, and – even though I knew he’d cooled off – I was still amazed that Gerard approved when I said I wanted to go out.

So here I was, down at the local library, Kelly and Jenny either side of me. People stood around in groups; having their own conversations, some kissing, some drinking. Everyone looked at ease – like they’re here all the time. And maybe they are. I scanned the place to see if I recognised anyone.

“So… anyone you like then, Mia?” Kelly cut my search short.


“Give the girl a chance, we just got here!” Jenny butted in. I can't help but think how rude it is when she does that. “She hasn’t even met Ben yet!”

“She doesn’t want Ben!” Kelly turned to me. “You don’t want Ben.”

“You got someone better?” Jenny asked, putting her hand on her hip.

“Erm… Josh…” Kelly replied, without pausing for a second.

“You might have a point there,” Jenny pondered for a second. “Yeah, we should set her up with Josh.”

“Excuse me,” I shouted, shutting the pair of them up. “I thought it was my choice!”

They both just laughed. I don’t know if they were laughing at the thought of me choosing my own guy, or at the silliness of their own actions.


“That’s Andy, so who’s the guy next to him with the blonde streak?” I pointed over at a group of lads we’d been discussing.

“Danny,” Kelly stated. “16, in Tom’s band. Currently: single, I think. But you’d have some fierce competition.”

“Oh right,” I had stopped listening. I scanned around again; my eyes eventually settling on an attractive blonde. I definitely though he was the best out of anyone I had seen tonight.

“Who’s the blonde over there?” I asked, extremely interested, but trying not to seem too keen.

“Oh, him? Marty, 19. Been single for a while now, despite the masses of girls falling over themselves to get near him,” Kelly explained and – unusually – I listened.

He was about an average height, but that’s tall compared to me. A better comparison? He looks taller than Gerard.

He was very skinny, his extremely flat stomach visible when he turned side on. His beautiful, long (for a guy), blonde hair framed his face perfectly. They say some people are born beautiful. I get the feeling he is one of them.

“Is he a natural blonde?”