‹ Prequel: Escapology

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It's Only A Date - Part 1 - Mia's POV

(Note: I'm sorry this took so long to write. I have been stressed out with coursework and stuff. Year 11 is the worst year ever! Also please let me know if you find any typos, because I only proof read this one once)

“Help me! Please, Aimee! I don’t even know what to wear!” I yelled, scrambling through my wardrobe.

“What size are you?” she made me stand up straight in front of her to try and get a decent measurement. “And do you have a halter-neck bra?”

“I’m an 8. A 6 if I’m lucky, but I don’t feel lucky,” I told her, standing side-on in front of my mirror. “And yeah I do, but it’s black.”

She ran her hands down my arms and tilted my head to the side. She looked in the mirror and tilted it the other way. She thought for a second.

“You can borrow my halter top. I don’t wear it much anyway. It’s a bit tight around here,” she gestured to her breasts. “And you have great shoulders.”


“Dress it down with a pair of jeans and a nice belt,” she suggested. “Or that pretty necklace I bullied Gerard into buying for you.”

“Okay so that’s that sorted,” I ticked off my appearance in my mental preparation checklist. “How should I act when I’m with him? Should I just be friendly like I was? Should I act sexier? What?”

“Mia, chill out. It’s only a date!” she laughed. “Just be yourself! That’s how I got Frank.”

“Yeah… okay… sorry…” I stuttered. “I’m just nervous.”

“Right a few basic tips then,” she explained. “Don’t laugh at his ‘jokes’ if they’re not funny, try not to snort when they are, don’t talk too fast or always talk about yourself, don’t eat garlic or onions and keep some mints or gum handy for if he wants to kiss you and he’s had garlic or onions.”

“Kiss me?” I hung my head. I’m just a little inexperienced in that area. “I’ve never kissed anyone in my life!”


“No, I lied,” I said sarcastically, beginning to freak out a little but trying not to show it. “Because a lot of 15 year olds say they’ve never been kissed when they have!”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” she tried to calm me down. “I’ve just never met anyone so attractive who hasn’t been kissed.”

“What if I’m not a good kisser?” she raised her eyebrows at me. Then what she had just said just hit me. “You think I’m attractive?”

She smiled. “I never lie, Mia.”

“I bet you do,” she laughed. “But… but… Aimee… what if I do something wrong and put him off?”

She had a thoughtful look and then she jumped a little; I could picture the light bulb going off above her head. “You could always just practice…” She smiled. “I’ll lend you Frank…”


My eyes fluttered open as I pulled away from Frank’s warm, soft lips. He both giggled like a little schoolboy and I smiled; knowing I wasn’t totally inexperienced anymore. Frank got up.

“You owe me…” he poked Aimee in the stomach. She poked him back.

“So… tips?”

“Huh?” Frank looked confused and poked her again.

“Idiot!” she poked him for the second time. “The whole point of you kissing her was to help her with her technique.”

“You never told me that,” he picked up his coat. “And I’ve done it once, I’m not doing it again!”

Aimee sighed and pulled a face. She tried to usher Frank out of the door but he wouldn’t leave until she let him kiss her. When he finally left she slammed the door and complained about that being a total waste of time. I laughed, trying to contain the excitement inside me that I had just had my first kiss with non-other than Frank Iero.

“Owe him?” she laughed. “He’ll be lucky!”

I just looked around the room, trying to conceal my proud smile. But obviously I wasn’t too good at that.

“What are you smiling at?” she walked over and sat beside me on the sofa. She giggled. “Frank’s a good kisser isn’t he?”

I laughed nervously. She smiled at me. I tried not to look her in the eye, I was quite embarrassed actually, and I didn’t want her to see that.

“Doesn’t really help you too much though does it?” she thought for a second. “I have an idea. It’ll help you and torture Frank when I tell him the details later. He’ll be sorry he missed it…”


She put her arm around my waist and pulled me in close to her. She looked deep into my eyes and smiled sexily, knowing that I had figured out what she was going to do. I leaned in ever so slightly and let her do the rest, pressing her deep pink lips against mine.