‹ Prequel: Escapology

The Road

It's Only A Date - Part 2 - Gerard's POV

I opened the front door and dropped the shopping bags, flicking my cigarette butt out behind me. Not even bothering to put the shopping away, I walked into the kitchen and turned the coffee machine on.

“You girls want some coffee?” I shouted to Mia and Aimee; not even sure if they were in.

I opened the kitchen hatch to look over the living room. I don’t think anything could really have prepared me for the sight that I was greeted with.

If Aimee had her tongue any further down Mia’s throat, Mia would have thrown up. It was all I could do not to throw up myself.

Much as I usually would have wanted to watch and enjoy the lesbian action, it was sort of weird watching my best friends’ girlfriend making out with my daughter.

“Ahem,” I cleared my throat loudly. Aimee broke away and Mia’s face turned a brilliant shade of scarlet as she looked up. I raised my eyebrows at Aimee who was chewing her lip. I think she got the message because she got up; causing Mia to shift to a position in which she must have thought it wasn’t obvious her eyes were trying to avoid mine.

“Flick your tongue a little more,” Aimee reached for her jacket. “And be more confident, you’re good.”

I raised my eyebrows again. She waved and muttered a goodbye to Mia and jokingly blew me a kiss before disappearing out of the door.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked Mia, as soon as Aimee had left.

“Erm... well I think I was kissing till you interrupted me,” she answered, biting her lip in the same style that Aimee had moments before.

“Don’t be smart with me,” I told her. “What would Frank say?”

“I think he’d be disappointed that he missed it,” she giggled. “He was just here. The envelope on the counter is for you.”

“I guessed that when I saw my name on it.”

She innocently looked up at the ceiling and it clicked in my head that Frank hadn’t come around just to deliver that letter. He could have got Aimee to do that.

“You kissed Frank too?” she looked back at me and smiled inwardly. “I’m disappointed. You’re changed. You wouldn’t have done this before.”

“I never had anyway to kiss before that’s why!” she yelled. “And I’ve changed? I haven’t changed any more than you have!”

“What’s wrong with you?” I tried to stay calm. “I haven’t changed at all.”

“You used to be laid back!” she carried on yelling. “You used to just buy me whatever I wanted. You used to not care what I did as long as I didn’t harm myself or someone else. All I wanted to do was practice my kissing technique because I’ve never done it before! I didn’t want to look inexperienced in front of Marty!”

“For God’s sake Mia!” I couldn’t stop myself yelling at her now. “It’s only a date! One you won’t be going on if you don’t stop yelling at me!”

“I’d like to see you stop me!”