‹ Prequel: Escapology

The Road

A New Plan - Part 1 - Mia's POV

“She’ll be in, in a second,” my social worker told me. I sighed. “There’s someone else too. You may be pleasantly surprised!”

She says that a lot. What makes today different from any other day? Another potential foster family? Someone Alicia approves of. I don’t want a foster family!

Alicia walked through the door and wrapped her arms around me. I took in that familiar smell and enjoyed the fact that my best friend didn’t think I was a weirdo. There was a big smile on my face when she stepped away.

Gerard followed Alicia. I stared at him with a look of confusion.

For once my social worker is right.

“Hello stranger, long time no see,” he laughed. I walked over and he wrapped his warm, protecting arms around me.

“I missed you both!” I stated, taking a step back.

“We have an idea!” Alicia smiled. “To get you out of here!”

“You mean you have an idea!” Gerard smirked at Alicia. She gave him one of her stares. Alicia always gets her own way. She probably bribed him with coffee.

“It might not work, but it’s always worth a try,” she continued. “I thought that maybe Gerard could foster you. Because he knows you and you trust him and he helped you and he can help you in the future and…”

I held my hand up. Alicia could talk for the United States if she wanted to.

“It is a long shot,” Gerard continued. “I mean a history of alcoholism and drug abuse and I'm not exactly seen as trustworthy in a society like this. But if I say you asked me, it might work!”

I thought about it for a second. I didn’t really need to. I already knew that I wanted so badly for Gerard to foster me. I just didn’t want to seem so keen on the idea.

“Hmmmmm, yeah go on then,” I tried to keep my cool. Alicia just laughed.