The Enchanted Window of Hogwarts Express

Lily And Lucy

Important: If you've read chapter 3 of my other story A step into life you'll know what the 'Enchanted Window' is. Basically it's a window in the very last carriage of the Hogwarts Express which used to be a teachers compartment. Sirius had found a note in Filch's drawers about what it is and how to use it. The 'Enchanted Window' is a normal window that has been bewitched to connect with every other window on the train. It picks up the conversations of the students in each carriage, you just have to tune it until you find a conversation you want to listen in on, and thats just about it.


Conversation: Lily and Lucy

When Lily talks it's Lily's POV.
When Lucy talks it's Lucy's POV.
incase you get confused.

"Leon's a really nice boy you know. Maybe if you talked to him you'd grow to like him"

"I don't think so Luce. You know he bugs the hell out of me" Lily sighed, she was sick of hearing Leon's name in every conversation she had with her best friend.

"Well yeah, but if you just talked to him more.." Lucy recalled that every time Lily had spoken to Leon, she had actually been shouting.

"Why would I want to talk to him, he doesn't intrest me" Lily tried to hide the fact Lucy was really annoying her, she had told Lily everything she knew/thought about Leon, such as; the way he blinks too much when he eats, how he enjoys playing Quidditch but hates watching it, and how she thought he looked super cute in his pale blue nylon sweater when he's all cold and shivery. "So can we please just stop talking about him for five minutes!" Lucy must of realised she had gone on about Leon to much and hastily changed the subject.

"So what you doing about James?" Lucy grinned.

"Nothing, I've already told you I don't want to do anything, what is there to do anyway?" The hostile tone in Lilys voice had evaporated quickly, she secretly liked talking about James.

"ER! Give him a chance!" She shouted happily as if it was obvious. Lucy couldn't understand why Lily wouldn't go out with James, he was so nice and so cute!

Just then a loud noise came from outside the boys compartment and Sirius cut off the conversation to check out what had caused the bang. "Just a firecracker" Sirius told his friend's questioning faces as he tuned back to the conversation. Lucy was the first to speak.

"Then just tell him you like him but you don't know what to do about it yet.."

"I can't do that! He'd go in hysterics and keep asking me out until i gave him an answer!" Lily was shocked that Lucy could even think for a second that plan would work. She knew James, and she knew if she told him that he wouldn't leave her alone until he got his answer. Anyway, who even said she liked James anyway! Then again she couldn't really deny it.

Lucy was thinking of saying something along the lines of 'fine don't tell him your in love with him and see where that gets you bitch!' but instead it came out as "I see what you mean"

"I've decided that next time he does something nice for me like buy me flowers like he always does, I'm gonna accept them and say thank you." Lily smiled to herself, she loved it when James gave her Lillies.

"OH MERLIN!" Lucy cried looking very excited "Sirius is having a Christmas party for those who stay at school over Christmas! James is bound to ask you to go!"

"What!? I never knew about a party! Then again it's Black, I never know what to expect from him" Lily hated Sirius, even more than she hated Leon, and that was alot!

"Well you are staying for Christmas arn't you?" Lucy asked now determined to get Lily and James together.

"Yes of course I am, I never go home for holidays" Lily replied confused.

"Well I bet there will be like a dance thing, and at Christmas do's they always make you have someone to kiss at midnight" Lucy really hoped Lily could see where this was going. It bugged her that Lily was so mean to James when she was actually in love with him.

"I guess you want me to go with James so I can kiss him at midnight and we can get together and live happily ever after right?" Lily asked sarcasticaly, while secretly hoping that is actually what would happen.

"Yeah, that's exactly what will happen! This will be the best Christmas ever" Lucy was very excited by now, she loved being the matchmaker.

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A/N: I got really bored so i decided to make some conversations up from the Enchanted Window on the Hogwarts Express. Sorry if you don't like it. Please review anyway :'D

A/N: Obv any characters you reconise are JK.Rowlings, but i have introduced quite a few of my own.

A/N: OKAY. I Know its a really short conversation, but that's how I wanted it to be. If you review and I can see you liked it I'll do more Conversations as different chapters. Thats the way it works ( :

A/N: This was just a random idea i had one night, so if you don't like it don't give me a load of abuse about it. Just tell me what you didn't like and why.

A/N: People who review get a HUGEEEEE COOOKIE!