The Way the War Was Won


-Mikey's Point Of View-

I knew I should have been happy to go home. But, the terrible thought of telling Frank's wife about him not making it home was stuck in my mind. Gerard was sad also, but I knew he was happy to get home to Lucy. The whole time we rode home on the train, he stared out of the window, his face adorned with a smile and a few scratches.

The photo of Frank's wife and daughter rested in my hands. Every once in a while, I would glance down at it. I would close it, though, not wanting to think about my friend's death. I didn't want to focus on his family's sorrow when I had to tell them.

The grass became greener as we got closer to home. Even the sky became more of a soft blue color, rather than the nasty gray I was used to. Gerard pushed down the window a bit, allowing some of the air to enter. It was so clean, it was almost as if I were inhaling the scent of a frashly bloomed flower. It did help, though.

"Come on," Gerard said.

I looked over to him to see he was getting down his small bag. I looked at my watch. I had been immersed in the scenery for an hour. Shaking my arms slightly, I got up and grabbed my equally small bag. Gerard put one hand on my shoulder and gave me an understanding smile. He knew I wasn't anxious to step off of the train to find Mrs. Iero.

But, I had to. When the train had slowed down to a complete stop, Gerard and I entered the small hall of the train. Other soldiers shuffled out, all wearing grins. I was the black sheep. I was the only one not wearing a grin the size of the sun.

Families and friends waited outside of the train, all looking anxiously for their loved ones. Gerard ran off to find our familty and Lucy. I took a deep breath and scanned the crowd. Mrs. Iero wasn't hard to miss, though.

She was a petite little woman. Her hair was a chocolate brown and she was quite pale. In her arms was a little girl with curly brown hair. Both were staring at the train, searching for Frank. I walked closer, feelling my heart beat rapidly inside of my chest.

"Umm, Mrs. Iero?" I asked.

She turned to me and smiled. "Hi."

"I-I was Frank's friend. He-he wanted me to tell you something," I stuttered.

The smiled slipped from her face. "Where's Frank?"

I sighed and put a shaky hand on her tiny shoulder. "He didn't make it, Miss."

Tears sprouted from her young eyes. She shook her head and hugged her little girl, sobbing. I stared down at my shoes, wishing Frank had lived.

"He wanted me to tell you something," I said once more.

"What?" she asked, choking on her tears.

"Frank's last wish was for me to tell you how much he loved you two. I know he did. He was always showing his pictures to me and telling me all about you guys. But I want you to know, Frank was extremely brave. He-he was a great friend. Don't ever forget him, Miss," I said, feeling tears build up.

Before I knew what was going on, Frank's wife had given me a hug, sobbing. She sniffled and wiped at her eyes.

"I know he was."

I nodded at her and handed her the picture. With a small pat on her shoulder, I said a small goodbye and left. It killed me to leave her there, sobbing, alone. But I had to. I had to go back with my family.

Gerard waved at me eagerly, standing ontop of a bench. I walked quickly over to him, only to be attacked with tearful hugs. Mother was clinging onto me, kissing my cheek and crying joyful tears. I hugged her back tightly.

"I'm so glad you two made it back," she said.

I smiled at her and looked over to Gerard. He was standing with my father, Lucy's mother, and best of all, Lucy. Lucy's grin was enormous. I smiled back at her, feeling the familiar sensation in my heart whenever I saw her.

Mother let go of me eventually. I hugged my father and Lucy's mother, enjoying their presence. But, I was most eager to recieve Lucy's hug. She dove at me, laughing. I kissed the top of her head, smiling brightly.

"Don't leave me again, alright?" she ordered.

"I promise." I laughed.


And from that moment on, I never did. I remained in town, working with Gerard at the Mr. Harvish's Chocolate Shop. Mr. Harvish had never returned, causing his poor old aunt to now work the shop anymore. She was just too heartbroken to work at her nephew's shop. So, Gerard and I took over wanting to keep Mr. Harvish's pride and joy alive.

The bell in the front of the store rang, announcing the arrival of my favorite person ever. I walked out of the backroom and into the front. Lucy was sitting at the counter, her little lips placed into a delicate smile. I walked over to her and smiled.

"Hi," she said, pressing her lips lightly to my own.

"Hi," I answered.

From my left, Gerard smiled. He gave me a quick wink before walking into the back. Lucy grabbed a bar of chocolate from behind the counter and grinned.

"What?" I asked her.

"Special customer discount?" she asked.

I chuckled. "Fine. But only this time."

"Thank you!" she answered, peeling off the wrapper.

When she had peeled it all off, she split it into thirds and called Gerard back in. He walked over and leaned on the counter, a smile on his handsome face.

"Here," Lucy said.

Lucy passed us each a piece of the chocolate. We had begun to eat it, but she stopped us. She held up her piece.

"Best friends forever?" she asked.

Gerard and I exchanged looks. "Forever."

We all little hit each other's pieces of chocolate with our own before eating them.

And I knew, that even without the little cheers of chocolate, Lucy, Gerard, and I would always be best friends, no matter what. I also knew I would never, ever, leave my little Lucy for anything ever again.

Not even to save our country.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, my friends, this is the end. : )