The Sound of a Ghost

Wow. Vicious.

"Give it back." Alex Garcia hissed. I snickered and backed up slightly, twirling the frisbee in front of him.

"Nuh-uh." I giggled, and flung it at Brooks, who caught it. Alex narrowed his eyes at me and then jogged over to Brooks, who began taunting him with the stolen frisbee.

"What's goin' on, Kai?" Toby asked, walking over to the little patch of black top we were on and draping an arm over my shoulders good naturedly.

"Messing with Alex. He wanted to play frisbee so Brooks and I made sure he couldn't play." I chuckled, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Wow. Vicious." I shrugged.

"You know how we do." I turned to face him.

"Waddup Tob?" I asked.

"I haven't seen you in days! There's only a week and of tour left and-"

"I'm going to ask again. Waddup Tob?" Toby sighed as we turned to head over to the dressing rooms at the venue.

"Fine, Vic told me to come talk to you." I sighed.

"About the co headliner?" Toby nodded, "Vic KNOWS I'm not sure yet."

"I thought you guys were best friends." Toby commented.

"We ARE, but theres some shit that went down with Jaime and I-"

"The whole sleeping together thing?" My jaw dropped.

"Oh my God, who told you about that?!" I shrieked.

"Well, it was revealed right by the buses that we all have..."

"Damn it." I muttered.

"Look, Tob, I'm thinking about it. The band left it up to me, and I'll figure it out. Ok?" I stated, and then I walked up the back alley stairs and opened the door to my band's dressing room . Dozens and dozens and motherfucking DOZENS of stuffed monkeys came pouring out the open door. I jumped back and screamed, shaking my hands and running them through my hair.

"Holy fucking SHIT!" I shrieked. Toby laughed.

"Oh THAT'S why they wanted me to make sure I made the conversation distracting!" He exclaimed. My eyes narrowed as I surveyed the vocalist beside me and the hundreds of hideous, evil, diabolical, stuffed monkies surrounding me.

"Vic." I muttered lowly. Toby chuckled and picked up one of the loathesome stuffed animals.

"Ha. You're scared of monkies." He laughed and then tossed it at me.

"Ah!" I shrieked and batted it away before storming off to our bus.

Stupid fucking pranks.

Stupid fucking monkies.


I yanked open the door to the PtV bus with the key I stole from Mike the last time we were home together.

"Vic fucking Fuentes! That is NOT fu-" The bus, unfortunately for me, was empty save for one person. Jaime Preciado, who I had sorta been avoiding for about a week. The bus was supremely awkward, to say the least. Especially in the mornings when both of us had hardly any clothes on.

Seriously, is someone out to get me? Why is this so cliche all the fucking time?! Fuck my life.

"Um. Hello." Jaime said, looking up from his lap top.

"Hiiii...Seen Vic around?" Jaime grinned. Fricking cute, damn it.

"Found the monkies?" He chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yes. Were you in on it?"

"Not this one. It was all Vic." Jaime replied.

"And he's...?"

"I think on Emery's bus. Probably hiding." We shared an uncomfortable laugh.

"Right...well I'm gonna go kill him now." I said, and then turned around to leave.

"Wait, Kailyn." I froze. Damn it, so close.

"Yeah?" I asked, forcing a confident and pleasent tone.

"Go on the tour with us." He stated bluntly. I took a deep breath and looked over my shoulder.


"Because...we're both good bands and it'll be a killer tour. An instant success." Jaime stuttered. I sighed and shook my head and walked off the bus.
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I like this one =)
Two more left!!! Maybe I'll finish it tonight. I haven't decided yet, lol.

Comments, pretty please
It might help with my decision... just throwing that out there.

<3 W^C