
Chapter 4: Imagination

Chapter 4: Imagination
Track 4: Imagination by Jonezetta

Saix shut his eyes and sighed deeply. "In my past life... I lived in an area where everyone wasn't human. If they weren't, they would be killed.
My family was very high in the standards of the area, we were often called upon and respected deeply. My family was the leaders of the elven tribe. But my father was killed by a member of the vampire tribe. My mother was in a great depression for the time, she needed someone to keep her company, and help her run the tribes..." He paused and looked back at the floor. "She fell for the cheif of the vampire tribe..., they were later married... and she had given birth to Nio. Making him, my younger half brother." He said.
"Nio wasn't liked... at all. He was a half blood to both troops, he didn't really have an element to call his own... and he was very choppy with weapons. He was very artistic though, and was able to play any instrument known to man. He left our tribe after he turned 15... I'm not sure what happened afterwoods... but it had something to do with you... Raxin."

Raxin shook her head and lowered her head. "I don't... remember him at all, sure, I remember my past as a vocalist... but that's it. I don't remember anybody I was associated with... or anything."

"Well... he does. I suppose, after he left, he went on to Hollow Bastion... into the performing business... with you."

Raxin nodded and turned back to Saix. "I guess... I just don't know why he would want to kill me..." She replied, fidgiting with her feet.

"Nio has always been the jealous type, Raxin. If you had done anything to insult or embarrass him... he would take it personally." Saix replied, shutting his eyes. He opened them slowly, shaking his head. "Don't go near him... who knows what he can do to you... or your child." He said, sighing deeply. He looked stressed, disturbed greatly. There was something about Nio, that Saix didn't like at all. He didn't want Raxin getting hurt either, she was special.
He didn't want to risk loosing the only child born a nobody being killed also. Who knows what the future could bring for their Organization.
Saix was always a bit over protective of her, she was young. Had a unique power. The only member known, so far, that could reproduce.
"Please... don't go anywhere until you are completely through your pregnancy..."


"We can't risk you getting hurt, Raxin. Stay out of as much trouble as possible." Saix said, looking back up at her.

"Saix, I'll be fine. I have Axel, and Zexion... even Demyx. And I can trust you... I just have one more mission... then I'm not going anywhere..." She said, smiling a little bit. The brunette stood herself up and sighed. "Soon enough, I wont be able to move." She grinned, beginning to walk away from the scene.

Saix shook his head, once again and watched as she walked off. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into." He mumbled.


"Alright, I have a feeling we may find Roxas today... you remember that struggle thing? Well, his name was on the list." Axel said to Raxin, as he pulled his uniform on. "Oh... and Raxie... I don't recommend you to wear your uniform." He smirked, plopping down on the bed next to her.

Raxin sat, pushing her hair behind her ear. She turned her gaze to Axel, and smiled. "Sure, make fun of me. Though I must remind you-that it's your fault. I couldn't have gotten pregnant by myself."

"That would be pretty damn creepy! I'm happy, babe. You know that, but I can't resist picking on you." The redheaded male replied. He wrapped his arms around her waste and kissed her gently on the cheek. "You're so beautiful." He whispered into her ear.

Raxin blushed and leaned her head on Axel's shoulder. "I know." She giggled, she stared at her closet and smirked. "You think... I can hit a couple of stores before we start the actual mission?" She smirked.

"Because you're getting fat? Sure."

"Oh shut up!" Raxin exclaimed, playfully punching his arm. She collapsed back onto the bed, dragging Axel with her. "I will seriously not fit in any of my clothes, starting next week. I'm already having trouble getting my uniform on."

"It's 'cause you're going to have a kid, I don't expect you to be small." Axel smirked, pushing Raxin up back into a sitting position. "Now, get dressed, and lets go. If you want to fit in some shopping, we gotta be out, now." He said.

"Oh fine, fine." She replied, standing up. "If you don't mind, I'll be stealing one of your shirts. Just for today."

Axel rolled his eyes and stood up just as she did. "Fine, fine." He said, taking her hand. "I love you." He said, in a lovey voice.

"I love you too." She sighed, going through the closet to look for a shirt to fit her.


"Raxie... I have to go! Now!" Axel yelled, stomping his foot.

Raxin, on the other hand, was still collecting clothing for when her gestation began to show. She rolled her eyes and continued to browse. "Go ahead Axel. I'm not done, I still need to pay." She smirked.

The citizens began to stare at the young adult, cocking their eyebrows and glaring deeply. The pretty brunette just smiled, and shook her head, winking at the people who thought she was way too young to be shopping in there.

"Aren't you a little young?" One of them asked, placing their hand on Raxin's shoulder.

Raxin froze and tried to turn her head, to look at the woman. The one who owned the acceccories shop. "Err..." She began, stroking her hair back.

"...that man. He's your boyfriend?" She asked.

She nodded, and stepped away by an inch. "Y-yeah..."

The blonde woman shook her head, and let go of Raxin's shoulder. "Such a shame, a girl at such a young age... pregnant." She mumbled.

"It's not what you think!" She exclaimed, watching as the woman walked away. Raxin's hand flew to her stomach, as she held back tears. It wasn't really that bad, was it? She took a deep breath and began to walk back towards the sandlot.
It seemed like a lot more people were looking at her now. She quickened her pace, until she saw more people. She began to run.
This feeling, she had never felt before. She thought it was... pressure. It made the most sense. She saw the sandlot...

But no Axel.

"A-Axel?" She asked in a whispering tone. She pushed through the crowd, her tears building up in her eyes. "Akuseru-kun!" She exclaimed.

The people stared at Raxin even more now. She shoved her way through the crowd once more, until she was running into another area. The train station. Axel was sitting on one of the steps, his head buried in his arms.
Raxin didn't know what happened, she guessed... he didn't find Roxas. "Axel... we'll find him next time." She whispered, trying to hide her own voice.

"No... I found him." He mumbled, not moving his head to even look at her.

"What? Where is he?"

Axel pointed in the direction of the sandlot. "He didn't remember me, or anything about the Organization... at all. " He explained. "Not me, not you. Not anything. He even beat me... in a battle." Axel sighed, taking his time to explain what was happening.

"A-Axel..." She whispered, walking to his side. her tears were finally released, and she nuzzled her face into Axel's shoulder. "T-they were staring at me..." She whispered, trying to tell Axel why she was upset.

"What?" He asked, looking up at her.

"They saw me... and started staring. Because I'm with child... but I'm only 18..."

"Raxin...." He said, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm sorry... It's my fault you have to go through this..." Axel replied, his tears being released as well. He rocked her back and forth for a couple of minutes. "L-lets get back... they need to know." Axel said, standing up. He took her hand and got her on her feet. Holding out his hand to open a portal, in which they stepped through.


Zexion sat in Raxin's bedroom, watching as she went through her closet.
"And why are you doing this again?" He asked, scratching the back of his head. Zexion was never one to care about clothing and fashion.

"I just bought new clothing, for when I get really pregnant." She replied, turning around to look at him. "And I need to empty out my old stuff, so I can make room for my new stuff."

Zexion rolled his eyes and stood up from Raxin's bed. "I figured... you would want to hide being pregnant... with you being so young and all." He added, folding his arms over his chest.

Raxin froze, and looked away. "W-what?"

"Weren't you upset? Because that lady approached you and said something to you about it."

"Well... y-yeah. But maybe... I can look a littl.... I'm screwed. I'm 18, knocked up and horribly screwed." She concluded, plopping onto her bed.

"Well, I wouldn't say screwed. Axel does care about you, and from what I've heard... he's excited about becoming a father."

"And how do you know that?" She asked, looking down onto her lap. "He hasn't showed me he cared once."

"Bullshit, Raxin. He shows you everyday. He's going through a hard time... with Roxas gone and all. You have to understand his side of the story too. But don't say that he doesn't care about you, because I can get everyone in here to say that he does." He smirked, placing his hand on Raxin's shoulder. "This child means the world to him, and he's doing everything he can to keep you safe."

Raxin shut her eyes tightly and nodded, biting her lip, restraining back tears. "Y-yeah... I guess you're right."

"Don't stress yourself out, it's not good for the baby." Zexion said, sitting next to her. "You want to keep her, don't you?"

"I don't even know anymore."

"Of course you do, you're just not used to the thought about being a mom yet. You and Axel will be great parents... I'm always here to help in case something doesn't go according to plan though..." He continued, he pulled her into a hug and smiled. "You feel better at all?"

She smiled and nodded. "Just a little bit... but... I think the baby likes the sound of your voice." She smiled weekly.

Zexion smirked, "Why is that?" He asked.

Raxin took Zexion's hand and pressed it against her stomach.

"Progressing so much, that's amazing." Zexion said, breathless. He smirked and stood up. "This is good, Raxin. You're child is gaining awareness quickly. If she's responding to the sound of our voices, who knows how quickly she could grow."

Raxin smiled and nodded. "It's good to know that my baby is a genius." She laughed, "I need to go find Axel though... I need to know what happened at that meeting."

"Alright. Go ahead, I need to see what Vexen did in the lab... I can only imagine." He said, smirking.

Raxin gave Zexion one last hug and followed him out of the room. She headed towards the meeting room.
The enterance was still closed. The meeting was still going, most likely.
She was scared though. Axel would give up his own life, rather than have to kill his best friend. It was a hard descision. She slid to the floor, and waited.

"You look awefully bored, waiting for number VIII to arrive."

Raxin turned her head and saw Marluxia, standing over her, with his normal creepy smile that he wore whenever he was thinking.

"What do you want?" They weren't on good terms. Raxin glared at the pink haired man as he knelt down next to her.

"Just seeing how you're doing, I mean... you have to be taking it easy now, since you're with child and everything."

"I'm trying, it's not like life is going to let me though." She replied, letting out a small sigh. The young brunette turned her gaze to the door and tried to listen in.

"You know... you're a special nobody. I mean, despite that Larxene hates children... I've been trying to get her pregnant for months."

Raxin cocked an eyebrow and slowly looked at Marluxia. "Erm... excuse me?"

"It's true, we've been together longer than you and Axel have been." He smirked.

"Yeah, that's great. But I really don't care about your life... and with Larxene, eww." She sighed, flipping her hair back.

Marluxia glared at her and shook his head. "Just figured you wanted to know, hmph. Anyway... you know what they're going to do to Axel he doesn't find him... right?"

"...No..." Finally, something that sparked her attention.

"Why... they'll turn him into a dusk of course, either that or they'll kill him. Either way... it sucks for you."

The streaks in Raxin's hair turned to blue, she bit her lip and turned back to Marluxia. "They wouldn't! I wouldn't let them!"

"Oh, but they would. And what would that leave you with? You'd be a single teenaged mother. With nothing. Even if you chose to run away, what would that do to you? The Organization would just come looking for you, and would give you no mercy, at all. You would result in nothingness. Is that what you want?"

"No... They wouldn't! Why would they want to hurt me?!"

"You'd be considered a traitor, of course." The pink haired man smirked, and patted her on the shoulder. "So... what exactly would you do if Axel was killed?"

"I... I don't know..."

"You wouldn't commit suicide.. you're pregnant, that would be horrible. You wouldn't run away... seeing that they would kill you. You'd be stuck here... with nothing."

"Would you shut up?! Why do I have to listen to your irrelevant bitching!!" She exclaimed, scrambling to her feet.

Marluxia chuckled, and shrugged. "Well... It's just the truth. But, I suggest that you start thinking of what to do... because it's going to happen." He stood up, and turned around.

"Why did you have to survive Sora's attack at Castle Oblivion?!" She exclaimed, turning to glare at him.

"It left me in bed for many months. I'm happy I've recovered.... now, with that... I'll be leaving."

She smirked and shook her head, "Maybe you should take the pregnancy test, Marluxia-since you're obviously the female in that relationship."

Marluxia stopped in his tracks and looked at her. He clenched his fists and continued to walk.

She leaned her head against the door, so she could hear what was going on.
"If he doesn't come back, he will have to pay the price, if you oppose these orders, you will be the one to pay." Xaldin said, hashly.
Raxin shook her head and listened further.
There was a couple of minutes of silence.
She heard Axel's voice next, but it was muffled. "Fine! I got it! I got it!"

That was it?
Raxin stood away from the door, shivering. "H-he was right... they will kill him." She whispered. She backed away even further as she watched Axel storm out of the room.
"Axel!" She yelled, running to his side.

"Listen... Raxin. I'm going on a mission.... now."

"Let me come! I can help you find hi-"

"No. Raxin. I love you." He said, pulling her closer. "You... you and this child.. you mean the universe for me. I would do anything for you."

Raxin was on the verge of tears, she shook her head and burined her face in his chest.

"But I have to do this... but... if I don't make it back.... I just want you to know how much I care about you. But Roxas is my best friend... and his life needs saving more than mine."


"Please... listen to me." He cupped her chin in his hand and brought his lips to hers. "I know that you're against this... against it in every way... but I have to."

Raxin was shaking, but she managed to nod. "Please... you have to come back though. You will come back!"

Axel shut his eyes tightly and nodded. "I-I can't promise you that, Rakushin..." He stroked her hair back from her eyes and tried his best to force a smile. "I love you though, right? You know that... and that when I return... hopefully if I return, I wont leave your side ever again. I'll be with you... and we can raise our child together... with the Organization or not. We'll be together."

Raxin sniffled, she looked up and nodded. "Okay..." It was all she was able to say.


The young brunette opened her eyes slowly. Staring at the wall. She turned over in her bed, and smiled. "Axel..." She whispered. Her arm wandered, as if she were to wrap her arms around her waste.
Her eyes widened...
There was nothing there. She shot up in her bed, in some type of a panic. "Axel?!" She exclaimed, getting to her knees. She ripped the blanket from their bed off, and there was still nothing.
She pounded her fist on the bed and looked at the floor. "No! He's... he's gone." She exclaimed, the streaks in her hair had turned a pale blue.
"No!!!" She screamed, letting all of her anger released. She jumped off her bed and ran to the door, swinging it open.


Raxin looked up and saw Demyx, looking terrified, standing in her door way. She shook her head violently, until her knees gave out and she crashed onto the floor.

Demyx stared at her, he didn't know what to do. "R-Raxin!! Oh come on, get up. What's wrong?!"


"........" Demyx sighed, "He went on his mission...."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 4.
I don't think anybody in existence knows who Jonezetta is.
One of the best bands evar!!

If I'm still sick by tomorrow... you may have a chapter 5. XDD
