
Chapter 9: Love My Way

Chapter 9: Love My Way
Track 9: Love My Way by Psychedelic Furs(She Wants Revenge Cover)

Marluxia shoved his hands in his pockets, looking up at Axel. He couldn’t figure out what he found wrong with Axel’s situation. He was back, there should have been some type of happiness, right?
“You know… I’ve been watching them…”
Marluxia stared at the blue haired man, pinned against the wall. “What are you talking about?”
“Them. Axel and Rina…” He chuckled, his fist pounded at the wall.
“Axel’s not very bright, is he? He’s a fool for living in a romantic relationship… with that girl. That stupid girl.” He gritted his teeth, snarling at his own words. “He doesn’t know her at all…”
“Nio, you act like I care about this situation!”
Nio laughed, clutching his throat. “If Axel isn’t dead… I think… perhaps… you should warn the stupid redhead… she’s not who he thinks she is…”
Marluxia cocked his eyebrow, shoving the man to the floor. “Elaborate.”
“She was found as a nobody before me… as you know. Though, my brother knew of my non-existence. He just didn’t want to deal with me. Rina pushed me… she ruined everything I had. My heart was taken from me first… but nobody thought anything of it. My friends, my adopted family, not even the ones on the street who were fans of mine… But of course, when Rina was taken… everybody cared. Our world went on a search for her. Other worlds. It was insanity…”
Marluxia rolled his eyes, once again. “So, you want all of us dead because you’re jealous…”
“Yes and no… my brother too… Saix, your second in command. He was the one who had me banished from our village. He hated me. So he had to get revenge. And if I can’t have what I want… Raxin can’t have a happy life, because she took away mine, and Saix can’t have a complete life… because he took away mine…”

“Axel…” Marluxia said, taking a deep breath.

“Are we going or not? I need to see Raxin. She needs to know… everything’s alright.” Axel replied, blinking back tears.

All Marluxia was able to do was nod. He held out his hand, and soon, a portal appeared. He gestured for Axel to go through first, and followed after him. He would tell Axel later, he guessed. The pink haired man sighed as they entered into their castle.
“Raxin’s in your room… I think Zexion’s with her.”

Axel nodded, seeming kind of grateful that she was in the care of someone he learned to trust. He sprinted through the hall and found Zexion leaving the room. The silver-haired nobody turned to Axel and nodded.
“Her shoulder was torn open… a slight head injury…. She was bleeding a little from the mouth too…” He reported.

Axel was absolutely mortified by hearing this. He placed his hand on the door, ready to push it open. Tears were rushing down his face, he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“You shouldn’t worry though… I fixed her up, she should be fine in the morning… but she shouldn’t really move around, or do anything to stress her out.” He smirked slightly. “Wouldn’t be too good for the baby. And her wounds wouldn’t heal as quickly with stress building up on her. Just… if anything happened, lay it on her easily.”

Axel sighed with relief. “Thank you…” He whispered, turning back towards the door to open it.
The room was filled with silence. He walked over to the bedside, and sat on the edge trying his best not to make any noise at all. He placed his hand on her forehead, and pushed her hair back from her face. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the cheek, smiling slightly as he did so.
“I love you.” He whispered into her ear. “Never… I’ll never leave your side again. Baby… I’m so sorry for the way I acted… I shouldn’t have performed the actions that I did… Forgive me…”

A small, barely noticeable smile appeared on Raxin’s face. “I thought you were…”

He stroked her hair back, grinning. “Hush… I’m here now, that’s what matters, right?”

She nodded, barely moving. “I’m tired.” She said.

“I know, I know…. You had a rough couple of months…” Replied Axel. He smiled, kissing her on the cheek again. “You can relax now though… everything’s finished… we’re okay now.”

Raxin tried pushing herself up, to lean against the pillows. “What about Saix… is he okay..? Marluxia…?”

“I don’t know sweetheart. Marluxia’s fine though, but Saix is in the battle with Sora.”

The brunette moaned, pushing her hand up against her face. “We’re gonna lose…”

“Most likely….” Axel admitted. He sat down next to her, laying his head on the pillow besides her. He stroked her cheek, leaning his head against hers. “Are you still in pain?”

“Not anymore.” She said, nuzzling Axel’s shoulder. “Even the baby’s feeling better.”

He smiled again, shutting his eyes lightly. Finally, he could get some rest sharing his comfort with the one he loved. He could drift to sleep without having to worry about anytime. The young redhead sighed with content as he sank down into his bed, sleeping softly.



“I just want to know….” Raxin started, turning her head to gaze at her lovers face. “After everything that happened… are you happy with the outcome…?”

“Let’s see… my beautiful girlfriend and our child are still alive, I’m still alive, I was able to meet up with my beautiful girlfriend in the end, most of the organization is in recovery…. So yeah. I am.” He said.

Raxin smiled, sinking into her pillow. “Then I’m happy.” She yawned, falling asleep.

The next couple of weeks moved by fast. Most of the members made their full recovery, with the exception of Saix and Axel who were still limping around the area.
After everything that had happened, Xemnas still hadn’t forgiven Axel for leaving the Organization and becoming a traitor, and he didn’t plan on forgiving him anytime soon.
Saix was still sour towards Axel as well, though he had gained a new type of respect for the ‘Flurry Of Dancing Flames’.

Axel lounged on one of the sofa’s that were in the castle, his eyes were closed as he drifted on into his sleep.
Xigbar smirked as he watched the dozing nobody snooze on the couch.
“What do you want me to do, Xiggy?” Demyx asked, folding his arms across his chest.

“Just… make him look pretty. Take plenty of pictures too.” The elder man said, backing away.

The meticulous nocturne raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly. “…Are you sure? He’ll get pret-ty pissed off.” He said, adding emphasis to his words.

“No, no. Trust me. He’ll love it.”

Demyx shrugged. “Whatever!” He exclaimed, holding a combination of Raxin and Larxene’s makeup in his hands.

Axel didn’t seem to care.

Demyx put the eyeshadow to Axel’s closed eyelids, and began brushing away.
Axel’s hand grasped around Demyx’s wrist, digging his nails into Demyx’s flesh. The young musician’s eyes widened and he bit his lip. “Oww.” He complained.

“I swear, if you get any more of that powder shit on me, your body will take the form of your sitar…”
Demyx covered his mouth, muffling his own yelp. “N-nah-umm… No! It was Xigbar! He told me to do it!”

“I know… but you did it… didn’t you?”


“I’ll give you a head start.”

And with that, Demyx bolted out of the room. Axel’s eyes fluttered open. He sat up, looking at the time. It was late. Raxin was most likely asleep or getting ready for sleep and he figured he’d join her.
The sofa wasn’t too comfortable for a full night sleep.
He stood up and walked into his room, to find Raxin already asleep. She wasn’t staying still though. Axel thought nothing of it, as he slipped into the bed next to her.
*Around 2 Hours Later*
She couldn’t take it anymore, she just couldn’t. Pain surrounded her body. Her back, her feet, mostly her abdomen.
But it couldn’t be time already. A month and a half too early. She walked over to the bathroom, thinking a shower could probably ease the pain.
It always helped in these situations.

She let the warm water caress her entire body, temporarily soothing the pain. She shut her eyes, letting her hands explore the curve of her stomach. She was still so small. Perhaps she could put on more weight with the time to come.
She finished up, stepping out of the shower and clothing herself.
Of course, she felt hungry now. The stupid hormones were taking over her.

She walked into the kitchen, expecting to find something to eat. She clutched onto her stomach. Raxin felt too weird tonight.
Now, it really started to hurt. “Ow, ow, ow…” She said to herself, as she lowered herself to the floor. She looked down, finding a small puddle of blood underneath her.
She gasped, only to be interrupted by another surge of pain shoot through her abdomen. Her moan turned into a scream, as she grabbed onto the wall, trying to stand her pain.

Marluxia darted into the room, his eyes widened at the sight. “Raxin!” He exclaimed, running to her side.
Demyx was next. “What happened? W-why is she bleeding?”

“Demyx, I want you to get Axel… tell him that Raxin’s in labor. And after that… you need to get Zexion… and tell him to get his ass here now!” He shouted, trying to keep Raxin as tranquil as possible.

Demyx hesitantly nodded. “O-okay!” He said, as he ran off.

“Calm down, shh…” Marluxia whispered to her, stroking her hair.
Demyx did exactly as he was told. He hopped onto Axel’s bed, shaking the sleeping nobody frantically.
“Rax…go…bac...sleeeep…” He mumbled, turning his head into the pillow.

“Axel, Axel! Raxin’s in labor! You need to go to her, now!” Demyx exclaimed.


“Axel! Get up! Raxin’s having the baby!!”

Axel shot up in his bed, staring at Demyx. “She’s… what?!!” He asked, jumping up and running into the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Words can't describe how sorry I am for the long wait.
I've been grounded, and now midterms are coming up and I have a computer curfew and it just sucks.
I'll try to have the next chapter up ASAP which will hopefully be by next week or the week after that?

This part of the story is almost over.
