

Amy gulped.

"OK JUST PUT IT TO YOU'RE EAR AND TALK ALREADY!" Layla told Amy. She slowly did. Layla had borrowed a happy bunny set of jammies and had bunny slippers on. Her hair was in a messy bun. The classic look.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.

"Hey, Amy." Said the other line. Amy sat up in her bed.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Nothin... I'm just going to ask if you want to come over on Friday... maybe spend the night? Nothing will happen. I promise." He said. Amy jumped up.

"Well... I don't know I have the project and... friends... and boys and... yeah no problem." She said quickly.

"Great. After school. I'll drive yah. Bye." He said.

"Bye..." Amy said and hung up.

"So?" Layla asked. "I can tell he asked you out but... I need to know more than that!" She sat down on the bed next to her.

"Yes he asked me out on a date and to his house for a sleep over on Friday. ME! Can you believe that?" Amy asked.

"Yes. In fact I can believe that you've got the hottest guy to ask you for a sleepover on Friday night." Layla said and threw a pillow at her.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" She asked.

"I'm starting a pillow fight. This my express to you that I am so happy for you man!" She said and threw another pillow at her.

The next day at school went by the same. James and Layla had their usual argument. She stomped off, defeated and the day went on until when James was getting his bag ready and closed his locker door.

"Ready?" He asked Layla, who was right where the locker door used to be.

"Yeah." She said and they walked to the door that lead outside.

"Let's make it interesting. I take the long way and you take the short way." Layla nodded and smiled.

"Go." They both said and ran down the stairs. When the got to the sidewalk, Layla went to the right and James went to the left.

James ran at inhuman speed when he was out of sight from the school to her house. He had beaten her and sat on her porch. He started working on the project but looked up as he saw a human walking down.

He could tell what type of blood she had... O Positive. It was his favorite. There was a burn on the back of his throat though it wasn't too bad. He looked to his left and saw a german shephered walking around. He bit his perfect lips and set his project aside and went over to him, patting his back.

"Hey boy... what's up? This is only going to hurt for a second." He said and bit through his fur. The dog jolted in his hands and James settled him until he was finished. Once he was done, the dog fell to the ground. "Shit." He murmured and picked him up, throwing him into the bushes. He turned around and sighed in relief. No one saw any of that.

He went back to his work and saw Layla running along the fence and slowed down as she reached it. She opened the fence and sat down beside him, breathing heavily. She must've ran, James thought then stopped again. Her heart was beating ten times faster than usual since she ran. The back of his throat burned again. He had to control it... he had to...

"Here you can check my work if you think it's stupid or something." He muttered and thought of the poor dog he had just killed. He felt really upset now.

"Hmm... this seems to be... correct... actually... huh." She said as she checked the project. "You're finished?" She asked. He nodded, not wanting to open his mouth. "Is there anything I can do?" She asked. James shook his head.

"You're smiling... why are you smiling... and being kinda decently nice..." He said.

"Sorry it bugs you." She said and shoved the work into his gut. It didn't hurt him one bit. This bugged Layla but she shrugged it off.

"Whatever." He muttered and they turned around as the door opened.


"No dad he's just my friend. We were working on a project." Layla said quickly.

"Don't make excuses for that boy!" His dad yelled. James quickly took his stuff and stood up. He grimaced and ran off. "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN!" James did. Layla's dad grabbed her and thew her inside. He locked the door and started hitting her.

James was full of rage. She had planned this, didn't she? The next human he'd come across with would die.

As he turned the corner he saw a teenager. He ran up to him and bit him. no questions asked. The burn in his throat had gone and he ran back to his house and threw his bag on the couch.

"Son we're going to go out and eat again at six today instead of seven." His dad, Dracula said. Yeah. Dracula. All hail. What an ass he is.

"I'm not hungry. I already ate." He muttered, knowing he heard and stomped up the stairs and went to his room and in the corner.

"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU YOUNG ONE!" His dad yelled and growled loudly.

Welcome to his undead life.